
The Chemistry Postgraduate Program of UFPel (PPGQ-UFPel) offers master’s and doctorate courses in chemistry in agreement to the overseeing and funding Brazilian government agency CAPES, which currently awards our program with grade 4. Created in 2006, PPGQ-UFPel offers solid formation in master’s (since 2007) and doctorate (since 2011) degree level for graduated students in chemistry and related areas. The PPGQ main research areas includes topics concerning to:

– Analytical and Environmental Chemistry;

– Inorganic Chemistry and Physico-Chemistry;

– Preparation, Characterization and Application of Organic Compounds;

– Studies in Chemistry Teaching.

Since our creation, more than 110 students had received Master’s degree, while other 20 students Doctorate degree. Currently, these students with postgraduate degree develop research and teaching activities at UFPel or in other renowned universities.