Composed by reflections concerning identities and borders, this line of research brings together studies related to the distinct relations of power which involve the State and its multiple agents and other sectors of civil society, emphasizing the processes of formation, centralization, and territorialization and the distinct faces of state authoritarianism, as well as social tensions and resistance. Among its preferred topics, as concerning Brazil and the Latin American axis, with an opening for different temporal and spatial frameworks, the study of governments and their authoritarian and dictatorial practices and the resulting socio-political resistances, the processes of formation and bureaucratization of national states and their relations to regional identities, political systems and the institutions which fight for room in them, the role of the political and administrative elites and their social relationships with other spheres of power, all of those stand out. Such topics are susceptible to a variety of approaches and perspectives that can encompass biographical and prosopographical studies, the history of concepts and political ideas, History teaching, remembrance policies, and various identities and political cultures.
Researchers: Alessandra Gasparotto, Charles Pereira Pennaforte, Edgar Ávila Gandra, Jonas Moreira Vargas, Jorge Eremites de Oliveira
This line of research focuses on the analysis of the different experiences and lives of historic agents, emphasizing the construction process of individual or collective subjects, in the interconnection between borders and social identities. Such experiences are understood as being in constant dialogue with their context, in a permanent dialectic of subordination and resistance in the construction of individual trajectories, social structure, and cultural significance. The preferred objects of this line of research are the socio-cultural borders between classes, groups or sectors and their mechanisms of social and individual integration and affirmation.
Researchers: Ana María Sosa González, Aristeu Elisandro Machado Lopes, Jonas Moreira Vargas, Lisiane Sias Manke, Lorena Almeida Gill, Márcia Janete Espig, Mauro Dillmann Tavares
In its interface with issues related to identities and borders, this line of research’s base guideline is transdisciplinary studies, derived from studies about culture (in different historical periods and geographical spaces) which have as their basis visual and textual culture. The opening for new knowledges placed the historian in the middle of an epistemological border zone between history on one side and literature, music, and other cultural manifestations and audiovisual expressions or expressions through images on the other. Its central themes are Music, Literature, and Visual Arts, the investigation on which will employ a wide range of approaches, such as: production/reception/diffusion of artistic products and their sociability relations; urban artistic practices; rites and practices which consecrate images; literary, musical, and visual representations; material culture and properties; visual culture; iconology, musicology, and intermediality studies. All these research fields present, therefore, specific theoretical and methodological problems that, when addressed in a transdisciplinary perspective, enable a new view upon a variety of sources.
Researchers: Aristeu Elisandro Machado Lopes, Carolina Kesser Barcellos Dias, Daniele Gallindo Gonçalves, Fábio Vergara Cerqueira, Larissa Patron Chaves, Thiago Silva de Amorim Jesus