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Laboratory of Lipidomics and Bioorganics (Llipidomicabio)

Currently, our Laboratories work effectively for the development of applied chemistry and technology of new materials and bioproducts at UFPel. The Laboratory of Lipidomics and Bioorganics is divided into two structures, the laboratory of synthesis is composed of hoods, N2 line, 2 rotavaporators, 2 ultrasound probes of 500W for derivatizations and extractions, laboratory microwave oven, lyophilizer, flash point, viscometer, scales, melting point equipment, stoves with and without air circulation. The second laboratory is the Chromatography Laboratory of the research group CETA (Science Education and Applied Technology). The Chromatography Laboratory has 2 Gas Chromatographs (GC FID), 1 Gas Chromatograph Coupled to the Mass Spectrometer and 1 semi-preparative Liquid Chromatograph with fractions collector.