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Cell Neuromodulation Laboratory – Neurocell

The Neurocell laboratory is located in the Department of Morphology of the Institute of Biology-UFPel, Av. Duque de Caxias, 250 - Fragata, being coordinated by the professor Izabel Cristina Custodio de Souza. The group develops research on the responses (electrophysiological, pharmacological and behavioral), morphofunctional aspects of cellular and tissue plasticity of neural cells to different insults, seeking to identify new morphophysiological targets of nervous tissue. This research group has a multidisciplinary character, working in the areas of morphology, biochemistry and physiology.

Infrastructure and Equipment: Neurocell uses equipment from other UFPel laboratories, as well as from other institutions such as Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre (HCPA). The equipment used in the laboratory Neurocell in the Department of Morphology, are from the Histology laboratory, benches and cabinets with material for preparation of histological techniques and for cell culture, there are still non-refrigerated centrifuges, water baths, refrigerators, vortexes, optical light microscope, analytical balance, automatic pipettors, magnetic stirrers. The same department has a microscope to capture images. It also has furniture suitable for the correct storage of reagents and glassware. In addition, the histology laboratory and the imaging laboratory are air-conditioned.