Início do conteúdo

Cancer Biotechnology Laboratory

Laboratory coordinated by professors Tiago Collares and Fabiana Seixas, resulted from the infrastructure and management merger of Laboratories of Molecular Embryology and Transgenesis and the Laboratory of Functional Genomics in 2016 at the Biotechnology nucleus of the Technological Development Center (CDTec) of UFPel. The laboratory has undergraduate, master’s degree, doctoral and postdoctoral students of the programs PPGBBio and PPGBiotecnology. Infrastructure and equipment: PCRs, real time PCR, CO2 stoves, inverted fluorescence microscope and refrigerated capture system, flow cytometer, micromanipulation system of cells, microinjection system of cells, multiporator of cells, high resolution magnifying glass with fluorescence and refrigerated capture system, electrophoresis systems, among others that are in the purchasing process such as Microarray and Confocal Microscopy.

The laboratory develops research and development activities in the area of nanotechnology and toxicology applied to the study of cancer.