Olá, mundo!

Bem-vindo ao Website AnatoAcupuntura!

Welcome to the AnatoAcupuncture Website!

Assim como os rios trafegam no corpo Terra, o projeto AnatoAcupuntura instiga-nos a perceber ainda mais a base anatomoclínica presente nos pontos, canais e meridianos que também circulam no corpo humano. A inspiração nessa similitude perfaz cada momento em que estivermos integrados na riqueza e complexidade que albergam a perspectiva aqui, cientificamente evocada, anatomicamente vivida e integralmente experienciada na saúde humana.

Just as rivers travel in the Earth body, the AnatoAcupuncture project encourages us to realize even more the anatomoclinical basis present in the points, channels and meridians that also circulate in the human body. Inspiration in this similitude makes every moment in which we are integrated into the richness and complexity that harbor the perspective here, scientifically evoked, anatomically lived and fully experienced in human health.

Prof. Dr. Mateus C.   

‘AnatoAcupuncture’ : points, channels and meridians in Acupuncture in dialogues and possibilities with Anatomy | Federal University of Pelotas

Mapa PICS RS – painel

Painel PICS RS! Disponível através do link: https://arcg.is/1C1OX40

O painel é uma parceria entre a Secretaria da Saúde (SES) e Secretaria de Planejamento, Governança e Gestão (SPGG), elaborado pela IEDE – Infraestrutura Estadual de Dados Espaciais. O objetivo é georreferenciar as unidades de saúde que ofertam práticas.

AIHM Community – TCIH

Dear AIHM Community,


AIHM has joined 87 global organizations to launch the Peoples’ Declaration for Traditional, Complementary & Integrative Healthcare


A broad array of treatment options responding to diverse needs


Responding to diverse needs and differences in cultural backgrounds, individuals deserve to have access to a broad array of effective treatment options, including traditional, complementary, and integrative healthcare (TCIH). It is time to support the integration of TCIH and biomedical practices in a respectful, supportive and collaborative manner. Help us support your patients even better by improving the future of healthcare—one that is patient-centered and respects individual choices. Sign the TCIH Declaration now.


Ensuring respectful collaboration and learning 


Improving health outcomes requires the respectful collaboration between all healthcare practitioners and the patient with the aim of improving health outcomes and determining the best therapeutic approach for each patient. Let’s provide a value-based, patient-centered, whole-person health approach to all. It’s the future of healthcare; help realize it by signing the TCIH Declaration.


Sustainability through availability of TCIH


Traditional, complementary, and integrative healthcare (TCIH) modalities belong to the future model of sustainable and affordable healthcare. By bringing focus on prevention, lifestyle factors, and long-term immune and health resilience, the TCI health approach plays an important role in preparedness for future global pandemics.


Sign the TCIH Declaration today for a healthier future tomorrow.

AIHM – Academy of Integrative Health & Medicine – YouTube

TCI Health Declaration – Peoples Declaration for Traditional, Complementary and Integrative Healthcare

Iniciativa legislativa popular a favor de una ley para las Medicinas tradicionales, complementarias e integrativas en España

En diciembre de 2021 se lanzó una iniciativa legislativa popular dirigida a dar garantías jurídicas a la Medicina y a las terapias complementarias, tradicionales e integrativas. Para que la iniciativa se transforme en ley es necesario recoger 500.000 firmas en los próximos ocho meses. Los médicos antropósofos españoles apoyan esta iniciativa y hacen un llamamiento a firmar. Para más información sobre esta campaña y cómo firmar:

Clica aqui em Link