Início do conteúdo

The Professional Master’s Course in Science and Mathematics Teaching at FAE/UFPEL aims to promote and encourage in-service teachers in the areas of Science and Mathematics to develop a professional culture guided by autonomy, classroom research, structuring and the development of flexible curricula, through reflection on student learning, through the development of methodologies and methodological strategies appropriate to the teaching of Science and Mathematics, through the development of a formative assessment process, in short, through the development of actions that characterize their intervention at school and his teaching work as an autonomous teacher and researcher of his practice.

The option for these priorities is related to our belief in the need to participate in processes and actions that focus on improving teaching standards in schools, since the results indicated by the various indices that try to measure the quality of teaching in the our country and our state (for example, PISA, IDEB, ENEM, among others) point to unsatisfactory results in student learning.

This Postgraduate Program is guided, therefore, by the purpose of producing changes in the field of professional action of the teachers of the Science and Mathematics Areas of our region of coverage, mainly, in the state and municipal public schools, in addition to knowledge to be socialized mainly in state and municipal public education networks.

Course students will also have the opportunity to develop studies and research on interdisciplinary practices, including the development of teaching projects not only among the areas of knowledge involved with the Program, but also integrating other areas of knowledge and solid theoretical foundations in these activities.

Another important aspect to highlight in this project is related to the theory/practice articulation, specifically classroom research, which we understand as a fundamental axis in a Professional Master’s Degree in Teaching. This articulation intends to be a space for the development of analyzes and reflections on practice and in practice. In this sense, we intend that master’s dissertations are the instruments where this relationship is expressed, whether in the elaboration, development and analysis of curricular projects of the master’s students in their work reality, or in the analysis of specific situations of schools, curricula, teaching materials, etc.

Finally, we understand this process of continuing education as a resignification of practice, which, instead of being a mere application of knowledge, will be the result of the production of knowledge that will be a source of reference for new practices and for the research of questions generated by daily life. school.

In this sense, we believe that this Professional Master’s can be an agent of transformation in schools and of revitalization of Science and Mathematics classrooms in our region.

General Information:
Minimum course period: 24 months
Maximum course period: 30 months
Organization of course offerings: semester
Entry method: selection process
Place of reference for the course: Faculty of Education/UFPel
Classes: Fridays, with the possibility of another shift

Office hours: Monday to Friday, from 8 am to 12 pm and from 1 pm to 5 pm.

Coordinator: Prof. Robledo Lima Gil, Ph.D

Assistant Coordinator: Prof. Denise Nascimento Silveira, Ph.D

Secretary: Gabriela P. de Pereira