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Projects Funded In The Quadrienum 2016-2020

Projects Funded In The Quadrienum

– Below is the list of projects approved in 2020:

FAPERGS Notice 06/2020 – Science and Technology in the Fight against COVID-19: RT-LAMP: alternative molecular method for monitoring COVID-19 infections in health professionals in southern Brazil (2020). Coordinator: Rodrigo de Almeida Vaucher. Approved value: 57,819.20

CALL FAPERGS/MS/CNPq 08/2020 – PPSUS: Oncobank and Oncovid: genomic tracking of SARS-CoV-2 and genetic profile of cancer patients and health professionals in the COVID-19 pandemic. Coordinator: Tiago Collares. Approved value: BRL 140,000.00

– Below is the list of projects approved in 2019:


Edital Aid Organization of Events: Elas na Ciência: UFPel discussing the challenges and perspectives for the inclusion of new talents. Coordinator: Márcia F. Mesko

Edital Aid Organization of Events: VII Symposium on Biotechnology: Interaction between Undergraduate and Graduate Studies in Biotechnology at UFPel. Coordinator: Lucielli Savegnago

Public Notice Researcher Gaúcho Range A: Dentin matrices as a protein source for use in tissue engineering. Coordinator: Adriana Fernandes da Silva

Public Notice Researcher Gaúcho Track A: Prospection of a new therapeutic strategy for the comorbidity of depression and cognitive deficit/Alzheimer’s disease using a quinoline derivative: involvement of cell signaling molecules and the cholinergic and monoaminergic systems. Coordinator: Cristiane Luchese

Public Notice Researcher Gaúcho Track A: Investigation of the effects of native fruit extracts on biochemical and molecular alterations in an experimental model of type 2 diabetes. Coordinator: Francieli M. Stefanello

Public Notice Researcher Gaúcho Track B: Strategies for the determination of non-metals in biological samples of human origin using the principles of green analytical chemistry. Coordinator: Márcia F. Mesko

Public Notice Researcher Gaúcho Track B: Effects of inosine treatment on behavioral and biochemical parameters in in vitro and in vivo experimental models for Alzheimer’s disease. Coordinator: Roselia M. Spanevello

Public notice FAPERGS-FAPESP 06/2019: Canine and human oral melanomas: Identification of the mutations profile by exome sequencing and evaluation of innovative therapies using genome editing techniques and recombinant BCG. Coordinator: Tiago Collares

Editais FAPERGS-FAPESP 06/2019: Editing of the zebrafish genome through CRISPR/Cas9 to generate a translational model of tissue regeneration. Coordinator: Vinícius Campus

Edital FAPERGS/CAPES 06/2018: Cellular senescence and its role in ovarian aging in mice. Coordinator: Augusto Schneider

FAPERGS/CAPES Notice 06/2018: Internationalization of the Post-Graduate Course in Biotechnology at UFPel through Collaboration with the research group “Protein oxidation in the pathophysiology of diseases”. Coordinator: Lucielli Savegnago

FAPERGS/CAPES Notice 06/2018: Research, Technological Development and Innovation through collaborations PPGBiotecnologia UFPel- Brazil and University of Illinois – USA in Cancer Biotechnology. Coordinator: Tiago Collares

– Below is the list of projects approved in 2018:


. Pro-Equipment Notice: Cary Eclipse fluorescence spectrophotometer repair. Coordinator: Ethel A. Wilhelm .

Edital Assistance Event Organization: 2nd Workshop on Biochemistry and Bioprospecting. Coordinator: Márcia F. Mesko


– Universal . Evaluation of a quinoline derivative in the dyad between Depression and Alzheimer’s Disease. Coordinator: Lucielli Savegnago

. Investigation of the role of aging and antioxidant enzymes in chemotherapy-induced neuropathy: use of organic selenium compounds as a therapeutic alternative. Coordinator: Ethel A. Wilhelm

. Evaluation of sweet potato flour (Ipomoea potato) for ruminant feeding. Coordinator: Francisco B. Del Pino

. Effects of pchloro-diphenyl diselenide on compulsive eating behavior in mice. Coordinator: Cristiani F. Bortolatto

. Evaluation of the pharmacological potential of selenopropargyl benzamides in mouse models of pain and depression. Coordinator: César A. Brüning

CNPq – Girls in Exact Sciences, Engineering and Computing . Girls in science: using motivating themes to attract new talent to chemistry. Coordinator: Márcia F. Mesko

CNPq – support for the organization of events . 2nd Workshop on Biochemistry and Bioprospecting. Coordinator: Márcia F. Mesko

L’Oréal – Brazilian Academy of Sciences – UNESCO . Investigation of the role of aging in chemotherapy-induced neuropathy: antioxidant proteins as a therapeutic target. Coordinator: Ethel A. Wilhelm

– Below is the list of projects approved in 2017:   FAPERGS – PqG . Curcumin monocarbonyl analogues: synthesis and antitumor evaluation. Coordinator: Claudio M. P. de Pereira

. Development of a sustained formulation of butaphosphan for ruminants. Coordinator: Francisco B. Del Pino

. Investigation of the role of aging in neuropathy induced by chemotherapy: 7-chloro-4-(phenylseleno)quinoline as a therapeutic alternative. Coordinator: Ethel A. Wilhelm

. Evaluation of antidepressant activity and mechanisms of action of selenium-containing imidazopyridines in animal models. Coordinator: Lucielli Savegnago

. Physical-mechanical characterization and biological potential of dental materials containing pyroligneous extract. Coordinator: Rafael Lund

. Oncopig Cell Biotech Screening: R&D of an alternative biological system for the study of cancer and nanotoxicology. Coordinator: Tiago V. Collares

. Antimicrobial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and synergistic activity of essential oils and their major constituents against Candida albicans and Pseudomonas aeroginosa P01 in biofilm formed in hospital medical material. Coordinator: Rodrigo Vaucher

. Synthesis of synthetic 2,4-thiazolidinedione derivatives and action as COX-2 enzyme inhibitors. Coordinator: Wilson J. Cunico

. Genomic selection in tilapia: validation of microRNAs epigenetic markers for cold tolerance. Coordinator: Vinícius F. Campus

CNPq – Universal

. Analysis of the Effect of 7-Chloro-4-(phenylseleno)quinoline on Neurodegenerative Diseases: A Preclinical Study in Mice. Coordinator: Cristiane Luchese

. Development of Analytical Methods for the Determination of Non-Metals in Food. Coordinator: Marcia F. Mesko

. Genomics applied to aquaculture: cloning, sequencing and evaluation of reference genes for qPCR in kingfish (Odontesthes spp.). Coordinator: Vinícius F. Campos

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