Início do conteúdo


Spectrometric Analysis of Organic Compounds: 4 credits (68 hours) – Code: 1658054

Syllabus: This course aims to provide the student with knowledge about the main and current physical methods used for the isolation and characterization of organic substances: mass spectrometry, infrared and UV-VIS absorption spectroscopy. Nuclear magnetic resonance of hydrogen and carbon-13. Uni- and bidimensional spectra of 1H, 13C and DEPT135. NMR of other important nuclei. Fluorescence and Phosphorescence Spectroscopy.


Bibliography: R.M. Silverstein, F.X. Webster;Identificação Espectrometrica de Compostos Orgânico, 6ª ed. LTC- Livros Técnicos e Científicos Editora S.A., Rio de Janeiro, 1998. D.L. Pavia, G.M. Lampman e G.S. Kriz; J.R. Vyvyan; Introdução a Espectroscopia, tradução da 4ª edição Americana, CENGAGE Learning, São Paulo, 2010. EberhardBreitmaier, Structure Elucidation by NMR in Organic Chemistry; A Practical Guide, Third edition, Jonh Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 2002. Breitmaier&Voelter, Carbono-13 NMR Spectroscopy, 3 rd ed., Verlag, NY, 1987. Brown & Foote, Organic Chemistry, Second Edition, Saunders College Publishing, 1998.Lakowicz, J. R.; Principles of Fluorescence Spectroscopy. 2.Ed., Kluwer Academic/Plenum: New York. 1999.


Advanced Biochemistry: 04 credits (68 hours) – Code: 1658017

Syllabus: Study the structure, chemical properties and metabolism (oxidation and biosynthesis) of the biomolecules that make up living organisms: carbohydrates, lipids and proteins. Also study the main routes of the primary metabolism and notions of molecular biology.


Bibliography: Nelson, D.L., Cox, M.M. Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry. 5º ed., W.H. Freeman, 2008. Lieberman, M., Marks, A.D. Marks’ Basic Medical Biochemistry. 3º ed., Lippincott Willians & Wilkins, 2008. Voet, D., Voet ,J.G. Biochemistry. 3º ed., Wiley, 2004.


Biosafety and Ethics in Animal Experimentation: 02 credits (34 hours) – Code: 1658055

Syllabus: Both the Biosafety and Animal Experimentation areas have been following the technical-scientific changes in Brazil and in the world. This evolution aims to meet the requirements of individual and collective prevention and animal welfare. In this context, the discipline addresses topics related to normative recommendations to professionals working in laboratories and animal facilities regarding equipment, exposure to risks, as well as waste disposal and adequate physical structure. In a second stage the discipline addresses and discusses the ethical bases of animal welfare, with emphasis on the current concepts and legislation in animal experimentation in Brazil.



Bibliography: BRASIL. Ministério da Saúde. Biossegurança em Saúde: Prioridades e Estratégias de Ação. Organização Pan-Americana da Saúde. Brasília. Brasil, 2010. BRASIL. Ministério da Ciência e Tecnologia. Cadernos de Biossegurança Legislação. Acesso disponível em 27/08/2011. HIRATA, M. H.; FILHO MANCINI, J. Manual de Biossegurança. Editora Manole. São Paulo. Brasil, 2008. TEIXEIRA, P.; VALLE, S. Biossegurança uma abordagem multidisciplinar. Editora Fiocruz. Rio de Janeiro. Brasil, 2002. MOLINARO, E. M; MAJEROWICZ, J.; VALLE, S. Biossegurança em Biotérios. Editora Interciência. Rio de Janeiro. Brasil, 2008 FEIJÓ, A. G. S; BRAGA, L. M. G. M.; PITREZ, P. M. C. Animais na pesquisa e no ensino: aspectos éticos e técnicos. EdiPucrs. Proto Alegre, 2010. GUIMARÃES, M. A.; MÁZARO, R. Princípios éticos e práticos dos uso de animais de experimentação. UNIFESP. São Paulo. Brasil, 2004. ANDRADE, A.; PINTO, S. C.; OLIVEIRA, R. S. Animais de Laboratório: criação e experimentação. Editora Fiocruz. Rio de Janeiro. Brasil, 2006. Law n. 11.794. Procedimento para o uso científico de animais. Governo Federal. 8 de outubro de 2008. Resolution n. 1000. Eutanásia. Conselho Federal de Medicina Veterinária. 11 de Maio 2012.

Original works published in indexed journals of international circulation


Dissertation Elaboration: 1 credit (17 hours) – Code: 1658052

The Dissertation Elaboration discipline corresponds to the survey and analysis of the results obtained during the period of the Master’s studies. The student will carry out the bibliographical survey, write their results and present the resulting articles in the form of the dissertation according to the norms established in the program regiment.

Bibliography: The references used are specific to the study plan and the work developed by the student during the master’s degree program.

Biological assays for natural, synthetic and semi-synthetic products: 4 credits (68 hours) – Code: 1658021

Syllabus: Forms of obtaining and presenting the test extracts, correct identification of the samples and test conditions of the products to be tested. In vitro evaluation of the efficacy of the product against prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms of medical interest for biological assays. Biosafety in a research laboratory. Use of the products in the reactivation of the growth of microorganisms and in the animal and human cells. Realization of cytotoxicity assays, antimicrobial assays for bacteria and yeasts using broth micro and macrodilution techniques. Introduction to methodologies involving qualification and quantification of bacterial and fungal biofilms, and interpretation of assay results.


Bibliography:  Cleff M.B., Meinerz A.R.M., Lund R.G. Fitoterapia aplicada à Medicina Veterinária. In: Mário CarlosAraújo Meireles; Patrícia da Silva Nascente. (Org.). Micologia Veterinária. 01 ed. Pelotas: Editora Gráfica Universitária – PREC / UFPel, 2009, v. 01. Freshney, R. I. (2005). “Culture of Animal Cells – A Manual of Basic Technique,” 5th/Ed. John Wiley & Sons Inc.

Original works published in indexed journals of national and international circulation

Ethics in Research: 2 credits (34 hours)

Code: 1658022

Syllabus: Ethical aspects involved in health research. Guidelines and norms in health research. Informed consent. Interfaces of bioethics and ethics applied to health research. Ethical evaluation of research projects.

Bibliography: Goldim J.R. Pesquisa em Saúde: leis, normas e diretrizes. 2 ed. Porto Alegre: HCPA, 1996. Fortes, P.A.C., Zoboli, E.L.C.P (orgs). Bioética e Saúde Pública. Edições Loyola, 2003. Durand, G. Introdução geral à bioética. Edições Loyola, 2003. Martins-Costa, J., Moller, L.L (orgs). Bioética e Responsabilidade, Rio de Janeiro: Forense, 2009.

Original works published in indexed journals of national and international circulation

Heterocycles Applied to Drugs: 4 credits (68 hours) – Code: 178079

Syllabus: It aims to deepen the knowledge inherent in compounds of high applicability, such as synthetic intermediates and drugs. The discipline will focus on the nomenclature, structure, synthesis, reactivity and application of heterocycles as drugs.


Clayden, Greeves, Warren & Wothers, Organic Chemistry, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2001

Eicher, T.; Hauotman, S. The Chemistry of Heterocycles, Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart, New York, 1995. Joule, A.J.; Mills, K. Heterocyclic at a Glance, Blackwell Publishing,UK, 2007.


Lipidomics: 6 credits (102 hours) – Code: D000642

Syllabus: First, the student will have a review of lipid biosynthesis. Also, important topics within lipidomics will be presented, such as the production of phytosterols. Additionally, basics of gas chromatography, liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry will also be presented. The student will see different techniques of extraction and derivatization in the laboratory, with different matrices, seeds, almonds and algae. The instrumentation part will be performed using the chromatography as the main tool, where the identification of molecules inherent to lipidomics will be studied: phospholipids, fatty acids, esters and phytosterols. The course will be taught in the Multi-user Chromatography Laboratory. For the classes 2 Gas Chromatographs, 1 Gas Chromatograph coupled to Masses and 1 High Efficiency Liquid Chromatograph will be available. Modern techniques of lipid-based chromatography, such as the detection of omegas in chromatography using 2D Liquid Chromatography (2 Dimensions), will also be presented.


Baugh, P. J., Gas Chromatography: A Practical Approach, Oxford University Press, USA, 1994. Collins, C.H.; Braga, G.L.; Bonato, P.S., Fundamentos de Cromatografia, 1ª ed. Editora da Unicamp,Campinas, 2006. Lieberman, M., Marks, A.D. Marks’ Basic Medical Biochemistry.3º ed., Lippincott Willians& Wilkins, 2008. Voet, D., Voet ,J.G. Biochemistry. 3º ed., Wiley, 2004. Mondello, L.; Lewis, A. C.; Bartle, K. D., Multidimensional Chromatography, John Wiley & Sons, Inc, Chichester, England, 2002.

Original works published in indexed journals of national and international circulation

Behavioral Models in Preclinical Research:4 credits (68 hours) – Code: D000400

Syllabus: Provide information and skills to operationalize behavioral protocols in preclinical research. In vivo research protocols such as seizure, anxiety, depression and memory will be studied and presented.


Hales, CA, Stuart SA, Anderson MH, Robinson, ES Modelling cognitive affective biases in major depressive disorder using rodents. Br J Pharmacol. doi: 10.1111/bph.12603, 2014.  

Reddy DS, Kuruba R.Experimental models of status epilepticus and neuronal injury for evaluation of therapeutic interventions. Int J Mol Sci. 2013, 14(9):18284-318. 

Vogel h (ed.). Drug discovery and evaluation: pharmacological assays. 3a ed. Springer-verlag: Alemanha, 2008.  

Heinrichs SC, Seyfried TN. Behavioral seizure correlates in animal models of epilepsy: a road map for assay selection, data interpretation, and the search for causal mechanisms. Epilepsy Behav. 2006, 8(1):5-38. 

Dudchenko PA. An overview of the tasks used to test working memory in rodents. Neurosci Biobehav Rev. 2004,28(7):699-709. 

Lapa AJ, Souccar C, Lima-Landman MTR, Lima TCM. Métodos de Avaliação da atividade farmacológica de plantas medicinais. Programa Iberoamericano de Ciência e Tecnologia para o Desenvolvimento-CYTED, 2001. 

Hardman JG, Limbird LE, Molinoff PB, Ruddon RW, Gilman AG (Ed.). Goodman & Gilman. The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics. McGraw Hill: EUA, 2000. 

Current original works published in indexed journals of national and international circulation.


Neuropharmacology: 3 credits (51 hours)- Code: 0028056

Syllabus: Study of the basis of Neuropharmacology, basic concepts on pharmacological tests, pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, action of drugs in the central nervous system, drugs for neurodegenerative diseases.


Fundamental Neuroscience (2ª edição) Squire L, Bloom F, McConnell S, Roberts J, Spitzer N & Zigmond M. Academic Press, 2002.

Basic Neurochemistry: Molecular, Cellular and Medical Aspect (7ª edição) Siegel G, Hines E, Albers R & Price D. Academic Press, 2005. Goodman & Gilman: Bases farmacológicas da terapêutica. Editora Guanabara, última edição disponível. Rang, H.P. e Dale, M.M. (2007) Farmacologia, Guanabara Koogan. Fuchs, F.D. e Wannmacher,L. (2000) Farmacologia Clínica – Fundamentos da Terapêutica racional, Guanabara Koogan, 2a edição.

Original works published in indexed journals of national and international circulation

Neurochemistry: 4 credits (68 hours) – Code: 1658027

Syllabus: Study of the basis of Neurochemistry, basic concepts about organization, development, plasticity, communication and signal transduction systems in the Central Nervous System.


Bibliography: Bignami, A. and Dahl, D. Glial cells in the central nervous system and their reaction to injury. Austin, London, 1994. Kettenman, H.; and Ranson, B.R. Neuroglia, 1996. Peters, A.; Palay, S.L.; Webster, H.F. The fine structure of the nervous system. Neurons and their aupplying cells. 3 ed. New York, Oxford, 1991. Fundamental Neuroscience – Zigmond, Bloom, Landis, Roberts and Squire – Academic Press. Neuroscience – Exploring the Brain – Bear, Connors and Paradiso – Williams & Wilkins. Kandel E, et al., Principles of Neural Sciences. (4th Ed), McGraw-Hill, 2000.

Original works published in indexed journals of national and international circulation.

Bioanalytical and Environmental Chemistry: 4 credits (68 hours) –

Code: 158117

Syllabus: Chemical elements in biological systems – Essentiality and Toxicity. Methods of extraction, homogenization and preparation of samples from biological material. Analytical techniques applied to the analysis and detection of biomolecules. Validation of new bioanalytical methods.

Bibliography: Frausto da Silva, J.J., Williams, R.J. The Biological Chemistry of the Elements (The Inorganic Chemistry of Life), 1991, Clarendon Press, Oxford. Manz, A., Pamme, N., Iossifidis, D. Bioanalytical Chemistry, Imperial College Press (2004). Skoog, D.A., West, D.M., Holler, F.J., Crouch, S.R. Fundamentos de Química Analítica, Tradução da 8ª Edição norte-americana, Editora Thomson, São Paulo-SP, 2006. Jackson, P.E. Principles and practice of modern chromatographic methods. London: Academic Press, 1994.

Original works published in indexed journals of national and international circulation

Organic Chemistry of Drugs: 4 credits (68 hours) – Code: 1658029

Syllabus: Study the drugs of mineral, synthetic and semi-synthetic origin. Provide theoretical knowledge related to planning and obtaining new drugs. Strategies for chemotherapy including the tools of medical chemistry such as bioisosterism, molecular hybridization and molecular simplification will be addressed. The discipline also studies the synthetic route of antimalarial drugs, anti-HIV, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, tuberculostatic, among others.


Barreiro, E.J., Fraga, C.A.M. Química medicinal: as bases moleculares da ação dos fármacos. 2° edição. Artmed Editora, 2006.

Handbook of Pharmaceutical Substances 4° edição. 2000. Patrick, G.L. An introduction to medicinal chemistry, 2nd ed., University Pren, Oxford, 2001. Physicians’ Desk Reference, 54th ed., Medical economics Company Inc., Montvale, 2000. Foye, W.O., Ed. Principles of medicinal chemistry, 5th ed., Lea & Febiger, Philadelphia, 2002

Original works published in indexed journals of national and international circulation


Free Radicals at Biological Level: 2 credits (34 hours) – Code: 1658030

Syllabus: The discipline addresses the processes of formation of reactive species, as well as the evaluation of antioxidant processes and methods of detection of free radicals. In addition, it seeks to relate the role of oxidative stress and damage related to the development of pathologies.


Halliwell, B.; Gutteridge, J.M.C. (2007) Free Radicals in Biology and Medicine, 4a ed., Oxford University Press. Packer, L.; Hiramatsu, M.; Yoshikawa, T. (1996) Free Radicals in Brain Physiology and Disorders. Academic Press, Inc. Olszewer, E. (2000) Radicais Livres em Medicina. 2ª ed., Fundo Editorial BYK. São Paulo.

Original works published in indexed journals of national and international circulation


Biodiesel Technology: 4 credits (68 hours) – Code: 178082

Syllabus: Study the concepts and aspects of the application in the production sectors in biodiesel, synthesis of analysis methodologies. The following contents will also be highlighted: Social Aspects of Biodiesel; Rules of the ANP (National Petroleum Agency); Biodiesel reactors; Catalysis of biodiesel, homogeneous and heterogeneous; Characterization of biodiesel via Gas Chromatography (GC); Physical-chemical analysis of biodiesel.


Demirbas, A.; Biodiesel, Springer, Londres: 2008. Manual de Biodiesel, ed. Knothe, G.; Gerpen, J.V.; Krahl, J.; Ramos, L.P..Edgar Blücher: São Paulo, 2006. Speight, J.G.; Synthetic Fuels Handbook: properties, process, and performance,Nova Iorque, 2008. Biofuels for Transportation, Worldwatch Institute, Earthscan: Londres, 2007. Publicações recentes em revistas científicas períodicas: Biofuel, Environmental Science and Technology, Química Nova e Journal Brazilian Chemical Society.

Original works published in indexed journals of national and international circulation


Topics in enzymology: 2 credits (34 hours) – Code: 1658034

Syllabus: To study physicochemical properties of enzymes in biological organisms. Mechanisms of enzymatic regulation and analysis of the kinetics of Michaelis and Menten. Understand the processes and equipment involved in the industrial obtaining of enzymes. Discussion of relevant subjects in the area of enzymology.


Nelson, D.L., Cox, M.M. Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry. 5º ed., W.H. Freeman, 2008. Lieberman, M., Marks, A.D. Marks’ Basic Medical Biochemistry. 3º ed.,Lippincott Willians & Wilkins, 2008. Voet, D., Voet ,J.G. Biochemistry. 3º ed., Wiley, 2004. Baynes, J.W., Dominiczak, M.H. Bioquímica Médica. 2º ed. Elsevier, 2007.

Original works published in indexed journals of national and international circulation


Special Topics in Biochemistry: 2 credits (34 hours) – Code: 1658035

Syllabus: Topics related to the Program’s lines of research will be addressed, focusing mainly on pertinent subjects that will contribute to the interdisciplinary formation of the student.

Bibliography: Current bibliography related to the topic addressed in the discipline. Original works published in journals of national and international circulation.


Molecular Biology I: 2 credits (34 hours) – Code: 1650115

Syllabus: Basic molecular biology: the cell and its molecular constitution, prokaryote cell x eukaryotic cell, molecular constituents of cells, biological polymers; nucleic acids; protein synthesis; nucleic acid structure and replication; primary structure of DNA; denaturation and renaturation; types of DNA; topoisomerases; RNA structure; DNA replication; basic mechanisms; replication fork; transcription and translation; transcription process (initiation, lengthening and termination); polymerase enzymes; transcription in prokaryotes; Translation; control of gene expression of prokaryotes and eukaryotes; notions about protein targeting. Main techniques used in molecular biology – DNA and RNA extraction; DNA and RNA quantification; oligonucleotide design, Polymerase Chain Reaction PCR; Real-time PCR and its applications in gene expression; agarose gel electrophoresis; polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis; southern blot; northern blot; western blot; DNA sequencing; application of bioinformative using GenBank. Seminars and scientific articles related to the area of ​​Molecular Biology.

Bibliography: LEWIN, B. 2001. Genes VII. Editora Artes Médicas Ltda. Porto Alegre -RS.
LEHNINGER, A.L. NELSON, D.L and COX, M.M. 2000. “Principles of Biochemistry”. 3rd Edition, Worth Publications.
ALBERT, B.; BRAY, D.; LEWIS, J. RAFF, M.; ROBERTS, K. ​​and WATSON, J.D. “Molecular Biology of the Cell.” Medical Arts, Ed. Porto Alegre – RS. 1997 Translation of the 3rd edition.
VOET, D.; VOET, J.; PRATT, C. 2000. Fundamentals of Biochemistry. 3rd edition. Medical Arts Publisher. Porto Alegre-RS.
DE ROBERTIS, E.M.F. & HIB, J. Bases of Cellular and Molecular Biology. 2001. Editora Guanabara Koogan S.
ARNELL, J.E.; LODISH, H and BALTIMORE, D. 2005. Cellular and Molecular Biology, 5th edition. Artmed, Porto Alegre – RS, Brazil.
GIBSON, G.; MUSE, S.V. A primer of genome science. Sunderland: Sinauer
Associates, Inc., 2002.
BROWN, T.A. Gene cloning and DNA analysis. 4. ed. Oxford: Blackwell.
ZAHA, A.; FERREIRA, H.B.; PASSAGLIA, L.M P. Basic molecular biology.
BERG, J.M.; TYMOCZKO, J.L.; STRYER, L. Biochemistry. 6. ed. New York.

Applied Neuropharmacology: 4 credits (68 hours) – Code: 1650116

Summary: Address the mechanism of action of the main classes of drugs that act on the nervous system as well as discuss cutting-edge research in the area.
Bibliography: Scientific articles in the area published in international journals.
BRUNTON, L.L., LAZO, J.S., PARKER, K.L. Goodman & Gilman The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics. McGraw-Hill, 11th Edition, 2006.
FUCHS, F.D. & WANNMACHER, L.: Clinical Pharmacology: Fundamentals of Rational Therapeutics. 4th ed. Rio de Janeiro: Guanabara Koogan, 2010
KATZUNG, B.G.: Basic & Clinical Pharmacology. 10th ed. Rio de Janeiro: Guanabara Koogan, 2007.
HARVEY, R.A. & CHAMPE, P.C.: Pharmacology Illustrated. 3rd ed. Porto Alegre: 2007.
RANG, H.P.; DALE, M.M.; RITTER, J.M.: Pharmacology. 6th ed. Rio de Janeiro: Guanabara Koogan, 2007. – SILVA, P.: Pharmacology. 8th ed. Rio de Janeiro: Guanabara Koogan, 2010.
PAGE, C.P.; CURTIS, M.J.; SUTTER, M.C.; WALKER, M.J.A.; HOFFMAN, B.B.: Integrated Pharmacology. São Paulo: Manole, 1999.


Neurobiology of psychiatric and neurodegenerative diseases: 4 credits (68 hours) – Code: 12000376

Summary: Promote understanding of the pathophysiological bases of psychiatric and neurodegenerative diseases. Enable the student to critically understand: 1) the foundations of neurophysiology, with an emphasis on the organization of the nervous system, neural function and neurotransmitter systems; 2) the biological characteristics of psychiatric illnesses such as mood disorders, anxiety disorders, personality disorders, psychoses and substance abuse; 3) the biological characteristics of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s Disease, Parkinson’s Disease, Huntington’s Disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and multiple sclerosis; 4) the study of different characteristics of psychiatric and neurodegenerative diseases: etiology, diagnosis, symptoms and treatment; 5) experimental models for the study of diseases.

1. Ivan Izquierdo; Flavio Kapczinski; João Quevedo. Biological Basis of Psychiatric Disorders: A Translational Approach. 3rd edition; Artmed;
2. Marcus Lira Brandão, Frederico Guilherme Graeff. Neurobiology of mental disorders. 1st edition; Atheneus; 2014.
3. Joaquim Pereira Brasil Neto; Osvaldo M. Takayanagui. Neurology Treaty of the Brazilian Academy of Neurology. 1st edition; Elsevier; 2013.
4. Paulo H.F. Bertulucci; Henrique Ballalai Ferraz; Orlando GP Barsottoni; José Luiz Pedroso. Neurology: Diagnosis and Treatment. 2nd edition; Publisher Manole LTDA; 2016.
5. Mark F. Bear; Barry W. Connors; Michael A. Paradiso. Neurosciences – Unraveling the Nervous System. 3rd edition, Artmed; 2008.
6. Eric R. Kandel, James H. Schwartz, Thomas M. Jessell, Steven A. Siegelbaum, A.J. Hudspeth. Principles of Neuroscience. 5th edition; Artmed; 2014.
7. Dale Purves, George J. Augustine, David Fitzpatrick. Neurosciences. 4th edition; Artmed; 2010.
Scientific articles, classics and recent, on topics of these diseases will be selected for each offer of discipline and will be based on electronic search: CAPES journals, Scielo, Pubmed, ISI web of Science, etc.


Biochemistry and Bioprospecting at School: 6 credits (102 hours) – Code: 12000419

Summary: The course aims to introduce the student to basic education in order to popularize science and the scientific method through actions with teachers and students in the school system. The course also aims to encourage the adoption of the scientific method and practical activities, encourage the adoption of pedagogical alternatives to improve teaching in primary schools, encourage the development of experimentation in schools, prepare teaching material for publication and distribution; enable the expansion of the view of students and educators in relation to science and the different forms of interaction between the different fields of knowledge, provide the interaction of teachers and students of basic education with the university community from different areas of knowledge, provide opportunities for manipulation scientific equipment and the performance of scientific experiments, contribute to the educational process in the country, arousing the interest of public school students in scientific and technological careers.
Bibliography: NELSON, D.L. & COX, M.M. Lehninger’s Principles of Biochemistry. São Paulo: Artmed, 6th ed., 2014
CALIL, P. Methodology of teaching biology and chemistry: The teacher-researcher in science education, Intersaberes, 1 ed., 2016.
BORGES, T. New directions for the school science laboratory. Brazilian Physical Teaching Notebook, Florianópolis, SC, v. 19, no. 13, 2002.
Sites specialized in searching for scientific articles: Virtual Health Library, Academic Google, CAPES Periodicals, Pubmed, Scielo, Science Direct, Scirus


Preparation of the Thesis: 01 credit (17 hours) – Code: 1650035

Summary: The Thesis Preparation subject corresponds to the survey and analysis of the results obtained during the doctoral period. The student will carry out a bibliographic survey, write their results and present the resulting articles in the form of a Thesis in accordance with the norms established in the program regulations.
Current bibliography referring to the subject of the thesis.

Molecular Biology II – techniques and applications: 3 credits (51 hours) – Code: 12000386

Syllabus: Knowledge of basic molecular biology. Main tools used in the practice of molecular biology – preparation of reagents; DNA and RNA extraction; DNA and RNA quantification; oligonucleotide design, Polymerase Chain Reaction PCR; restriction enzymes, molecular cloning, Real-time PCR and their applications in gene expression; agarose gel electrophoresis; polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis; southern blot; northern blot; western blot; DNA sequencing and application of bioinformatics using GenBank.

ALBERT, B.; BRAY, D.; LEWIS, J. RAFF, M.; ROBERTS, K. ​​and WATSON, J.D. “Molecular Biology of the Cell.” Medical Arts, Ed. Porto Alegre – RS. 1997 Translation of the 3rd edition.
LEWIN, B. 2001. Genes VII. Editora Artes Médicas Ltda. Porto Alegre -RS.
LODISH, H.; BALTIMORE, D.; BERK, A.; ZIPURSKY, S.L.; MATSUDAIRA, P. & DARNELL, J. Molecular Cell Biology. Scientific American Books, New York, 2000.
SAMBROOK, J. & RUSSEL, D.W. Molecular Cloning – A Laboratory Manual 3rd ed. Cold Spring Harbor, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 2001.
ZAHA, A.; FERREIRA, H.B.; PASSAGLIA, L.M P. Basic molecular biology. 2003