ExpPC – Exploring Computational Thinking

The lack of well-trained professionals and skilled labor is a reality in Brazil. Economic globalization and technological innovations have changed the professional profile required by the various sectors of the economy. A worker is charged for their knowledge, performance, collaboration, creativity, critical thinking, responsibility and problem-solving skills. Concomitant with this reality, Computational Thinking emerges as a problem solving methodology capable of developing many of the skills required by the job market today. Computational Thinking is a problem-solving method based on the foundations and techniques of computer science. In general, skills commonly used in designing computer programs to solve specific problems are used as a methodology for solving problems in general. Multinational companies supported this idea and strove to disseminate this methodology. Given these experiences and the scientific results already achieved in this field, this project proposes the development of actions to promote Computational Thinking in elementary schools in the city of Pelotas, in response to the need to prepare today’s students for the current job market and future.