Have you met Primal Pictures Acupuncture? See the amazing tool that allows you to analyze three-dimensional points, channels and meridians in the human body!
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Welcome to the AnatoAcupuncture Website!
Assim como os rios trafegam no corpo Terra, o projeto AnatoAcupuntura instiga-nos a perceber ainda mais a base anatomoclínica presente nos pontos, canais e meridianos que também circulam no corpo humano. A inspiração nessa similitude perfaz cada momento em que estivermos integrados na riqueza e complexidade que albergam a perspectiva aqui, cientificamente evocada, anatomicamente vivida e integralmente experienciada na saúde humana.
Just as rivers travel in the Earth body, the AnatoAcupuncture project encourages us to realize even more the anatomoclinical basis present in the points, channels and meridians that also circulate in the human body. Inspiration in this similitude makes every moment in which we are integrated into the richness and complexity that harbor the perspective here, scientifically evoked, anatomically lived and fully experienced in human health.
Prof. Dr. Mateus C.