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Convite para palestras – 27 e 28/05/2019

        Nos dias 27 e 28 de maio de 2019, ocorrerão 2 palestras no PPGMMat, na sala 111 do prédio 16 as 14 horas, pelo Prof. Doutor Armando Miguel Awruch, professor visitante do programa.

A primeira palestra, será realizada no dia 27/05 e abordará o tema sobre “fluxos hipersônicos: aerodinâmica de reentrada” (anexo 1).

A segunda palestra, será realizada no dia 28/05 e abordará o tema: “Simulação e controle de inundações usando equações de águas rasas” ( anexo 2 ).

Anexo 1:


        Reentering the Earth atmosphere is a phenomenon that has challenged researchers over the last seven decades. Due to the growth of space exploration and the increasing number of space trips, great interest in dominating launch, orbit and recovery of space vehicles has been created, primarily to bring back people and experiments safely to Earth. Special interest of this research was to begin studies about the reentry of the Atmospheric Reentry Satellite (SARA), a non-manned recoverable orbital system, a project developed some years ago by the National Space Research Institute (INPE) and by the Aerospace Technical Center (CTA) to offer a return-on-request concept in order to perform micro- gravity experiments. Although this project was interrupted several years ago, some knowledge and experiences were obtained. A Finite Element formulation for the numerical analysis of three-dimensional thermo- chemical non-equilibrium hypersonic flows, adopting Park’s model with 2-temperature,  5-species  (N2,  O2,  NO,  N and O)  and  17-reactions, is presented. An example analyzing the aerodynamic hypersonic flow around SARA is presented.


Anexo 2:


   Storms, tsunamis, breaking of dams or dikes may cause large floods provoking significant economic and environmental losses and endangering human lives. Then, a series of studies becomes necessary in order to seek some ways to minimize damage from extreme situations and to prevent ecological disasters generating significant losses. Simulation with a numerical model is essential to provide the hydrodynamic characteristic of a flood in order to perform a good risk assessment. Information such as the reached area, water depth and time of the water body arrival to a specific region may be obtained with a numerical model. If this information is known previously, a flood mapping may be created. Flood mapping allows decisions about plans of land use, designs against flood effects and evacuation of peoples living in affected regions in order to lessen damages. A mathematical model is today a common and important tool in order to simulate floods and to obtain all the required relevant information. Control of the water height in a specific place is possible if an optimized outgoing flow rate is imposed. This fact implies, in the construction of reservoirs, aqueducts, movable barriers and floodgates. Flood control may be implemented coupling an optimization algorithm to the hydrodynamic model in order to find an optimal outgoing flow rate curve to control water height in a specific area.




Professor Aposentado no cargo de Professor Titular por Concurso Público lotado no Departamento de Engenharia Civil (DECIV) da Escola de Engenharia (EE) da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) em Porto Alegre, Brasil.

Pesquisador I-A do CNPq.

Professor de Disciplinas e Orientador de Dissertações e Teses dos Programas de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Civil (PPGEC) e Engenharia Mecânica (PROMEC) na UFRGS e Professor Visitante da UFPEL.

Ex – Coordenador do PPGEC/UFRGS.

Ex-membro do Comitê Assessor do CNPq e da CAPES.

ExOrientador de numerosas Dissertações e Teses  no PPGEC/UFRGS, PROMEC/UFRGS, Faculdad de Ingeniería de la Universidad Nacional del Nordeste (UNNE, Argentina), de Trabalhos  de Conclusão de Curso (TCC) e de bolsistas de Iniciação Científica.

Participação em numerosas Bancas Examinadoras de Dissertações e Teses, e em várias Bancas de Concurso Público para a Seleção de Professores ingressantes e Professores Titulares em diversas universidades.

Autor e revisor de numerosos trabalhos em periódicos e eventos nacionais e internacionais.

LINHAS DE PESQUISA: Mecânica Computacional aplicada às áreas de Mecânica dos Sólidos e Fenômenos de Transporte.

Publicado em 25/05/2019, na categoria Notícias.
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