

Lack of expert professionals and of qualified labor is a reality in Brazil. Economic globalization and technological innovations have changed the professional profile required by many sectors of economy. A worker is charged by his knowledge, performance, collaboration, creativity, critical thinking, responsibility and by his capacity of solving problems.

Concomitant to this reality, Computational Thinking appears as a methodology for solving problems, being able to develop many abilities required nowadays by the labor market. Computational Thinking is a method for solving problems that utilizes, as a basis, computer science techniques and fundamentals.

In a general way, abilities commonly used in the design of computational software for solving specific problems are utilized as a methodology for solving problems. Multinational companies supported this idea and strained themselves in the dissemination of this methodology.

Before this experience and the scientific results already achieved in this branch, this project proposes the development of actions to promote Computational Thinking at Elementary Schools in Pelotas City as an answer for the necessity of preparing students nowadays for the current and future labor market.


This project generally aims to sensitize education network for the relevance of Computer Science Fundamentals Thinking since Elementary Education.

Specific objectives are:

  • To introduce Elementary students from schools in Pelotas City to the process of problems solution named Computational Thinking;

  • To elaborate activities and tasks, as well as fitting already proposed activities that develop abilities and encourage attitudes considered essential on Computational Thinking.

  • To propose an adequate methodology for the development of Computational Thinking at Elementary Schools in Pelotas City. It takes into consideration particularities of education network and student’s reality;

  • To qualify the training of undergraduates and graduates involved in the project;

  • To integrate community and university.