Computer engineers design and develop software, computers and digital systems with application programming capabilities: in the automation, quality improvement and increasing the production speed and safety; in embedded systems; in digital communications; Digital TV; multimedia and digital entertainment such as games. They master knowledge in software, hardware, communications and their interactions with engineering principles and methods. They coordinate and supervise teams, study technical and economic feasibility, innovative, execute and supervise processes, projects and technical services and also carry out surveys, expertise and evaluations by issuing technical reports and opinions. In all their activities, the professionals consider aspects related to ethics, safety, legislation and environmental impacts.
The professional trained in the course works in the software and computer industry; information technology, telecommunications, technology infrastructure planning and development, and software and hardware development in public and private institutions; companies using embedded systems (devices that integrate software and hardware). In addition to these, the professional can act independently by undertaking his own business or as a consultant.
More information: Political-Pedagogical Project of the Computer Engineering course (2016)