Computer Engineering

Proposed in 2009, the undergraduate degree in Computer Engineering at UFPel, at the Center for Technological Development, meets community needs for courses related to engineering and technology. Since 2010, the course has offered 40 (40) planned vacancies annually, with a minimum duration of ten (10) semesters (diurnal and full shift). By fitting the general form in the profile proposed by the Brazilian Computer Society, it adopts the formation of professionals capable of designing and developing computer systems (software, computers and digital systems).

The course focuses on areas where software and hardware are tightly integrated, such as industrial automation, computer architecture, digital systems, circuit statistics, embedded systems, robotics, digital signal processing and parallel and distributed processing. To this end, the course emphasizes areas such as Electrical and Electronic Circuits, Digital Electronics, Microcontrollers and Digital Systems, thus differentiating other courses in the area of ​​Computer Sciences, in particular undergraduate courses in Computer Science currently offered by UFPel.

It also emphasizes basic areas of Engineering, providing substantial training in Mathematics and Physics, which enable students to apply computer skills in engineering problems. Encouraging entrepreneurship activities in technology-using companies stimulates creativity and the ability to put innovative ideas into practice.

In addition to the compulsory subjects, several elective topics will be allowed to the student to fulfill credit requirements, allowing different focuses on specific areas of knowledge by they choosing. Additionally, the course is qualified for knowledge integration disciplines, allowing interested students to put into practice the acquired knowledge in the form of an applied project.

In this way, the course offers a continuous engineering training associated with software and hardware areas, as well as the integration between them.