Work Package 4 – Research Impact

The year 2020 begins with the COVID-19 pandemic and this new moment has brought new challenges to the PlaceAge Project. Monitoring actions are being applied to understand how older adults in the study cities are being impacted by the pandemic and social isolation. Development of projects of law aimed at healthy ageing for the case studies cities are being developed so that the results of the Project can directly support the needs of the participants. In addition, in this phase, studies are carried out on how much knowledge generated by PlaceAge contributes, benefits and influences society, culture, the environment and the economy. Within this Work Package, Brazil’s CNPQ (National Council for Scientific and Technological Development) agency finances two research fellowships (scientific initiation and extension in the country), and the following research action related to PlaceAge: ‘Designing ageing-friendly communities to support social wellbeing in response to COVID-19 ‘. The action seeks to investigate the experiences of older adults residents in Brazil initially, to determine the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on social well-being and the effectiveness of responses such as measures of social distance and ‘stay at home’ to face the crisis. This Work Package is intended to be completed  in 2023.