New CNPQ funding for the PlaceAge Project

The PlaceAge Project has just been awarded two fellowships from the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPQ), a research agency in Brazil, with a duration of 12 months belonging to the Universal Edital CNPQ coordinated by Professor Adriana Portella in Brazil: a Scientific Initiation scholarship and an Extension scholarship in the Country – EXP. The contemplate researchers are Lauren Nicole Gonçalves Duarte and Thaís Libardoni, respectively. The researchers will be working directly on the PlaceAge-COVID, which is part of the PlaceAge .

Another CNPQ fellowship of 36 months was given to Professor Adriana Portella to lead this Project until 2023.

The following Work Plan will be developed over the next 12 months, and the researchers will also be working directly with the PlaceAge-COVID Project:

1. Development of an online platform at ArcGIS for spatializing the results obtained in Brazil. This technological initiative proposes the registration of project data for free access to all public managers, to help the development of public policies in the country.
2. Development of the book Insights on Ageing, with an authoring chapter on older adults public policies.
3. Maintenance of the PlaceAge website and account development on Instagram and updating the existing Twitter account.
4. Development of videos to disseminate the results of the study.
5. Planning and management of digital events bringing together participants from the cities studied to understand the impact of the study on their daily lives. If a face-to-face meeting is already allowed due to the pandemic, we will do it face-to-face.

