FAUrb 50th anniversary celebration party

FAUrb celebrates its 50th anniversary at an open party with more than 200 people, including students, technicians and teachers, with lots of music and emotion.

Closing the week with a golden key, last Friday, November 4th, the FAUrb-UFPel lobby hosted the commemorative party of its 50th anniversary.

The current Director of the unit opens the event, Prof. Maurício Polidori, who pays his respects and leaves the position after 8 years in the direction, squandering his characteristic charisma. The Public Consultation for the direction of FAUrb took place on the 25th and 26th of October, resulting in the election of Chapa 1 – Todos Nós. Therefore, in 2023, the new director elected Prof. Eduardo Grala da Cunha and deputy director Adriana Portella.

The speech was open to everyone who wanted to share. At this moment, many exciting statements took the environment, coming for example from Prof. Adriane Borda and Nirce Medevdovski. In addition, the graduating class of this semester was also heard. Drums and screams called the names of Patron André Carrasco and Paraninfo André Minasi, in addition to professors and employees honored for the ceremony. The surprise was a very rich moment in terms of community and belonging.

Like any good party, snacks, cake, refreshments, lots of music and photographers clicking back and forth could not be missing. The result won everyone over, both for the food served and for the interaction between the different generations. Historical souvenirs such as photo albums from the 25th anniversary celebration party and graduation invitations from almost all classes were on display.

Building a community is a long, full-time, never-ending job. The union between everyone to stay alive is paramount for the place where we spend most of our days, and sometimes nights, to be dear to us. Long live public and quality education! Long live teamwork! May new 50 years come even more amazing.

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