Applying to ViTech

There are three ways of applying to ViTech:
  • Undergraduate students:
    1. Selection of Intern Scholarship: ViTech runs an Intern Scholarship selection once a year, at least. Candidates should be preferably enrolled in one of the following courses: Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Control and Automation Engineering, Electronic Engineering, or Electrical Engineering.
    2. Volunteer Intern: candidates motivated to be engaged with the ViTech research topics as volunteer interns are encouraged to contact ViTech professors for evaluation.
    3. Bachelor Thesis: undergraduate students who want to do their Bachelor Thesis on topics of interest to ViTech are also invited to contact the professors.
  • Graduate Students: Apply to the Graduate Program in Computing (PPGC) selection processes at the Federal University of Pelotas (Master and Doctorate levels). You should select a ViTech professor as an advisor in your application.
  • Post-doctorate: Apply to the post-doctorate fellowship selection process, which is usually run by the Graduate Program in Computing (PPGC).