Atenção para a chamada de artigos da “The Cliometric Society”


Call for Papers

2017 ASSA Meetings

January 6-8, 2017


The Cliometric Society will sponsor three sessions at the ASSA meetings in Chicago, January 6-8, 2017.  The program committee includes Elyce Rotella and Michael McAvoy.  Authors interested in presenting a paper should provide a 2-3 page summary of the proposed paper at by May 10, 2016.


We would like to make summaries of the papers available in advance of the ASSA meetings, and the Cliometric Society has agreed to publish them on the Society’s website.  Thus, authors submitting proposals should be prepared to provide a copy of their paper for posting on the Cliometric Society website by November 30, 2016.  Send a copy of the paper to Mike Haupert at


At least one author must be a member of the Cliometric Society.  To join, visit the Cliometric Society website at


Proposals due:                                                             May 10, 2016

Authors notified of acceptance of paper:                   June 15, 2016

Paper due at the Society office:                                  November 30, 2016

ASSA Meetings in Chicago:                                       January 6-8, 2017


Please email any questions to: