Início – English

5th International Videodance Festival of RS – FIVRS 2024

Submissions until June 21, 2024

This call for proposals aims to select videodance – in its broad spectrum of audiovisual coverage – for the 4th International Videodance Festival of RS – FIVRS 2024, an event held by the Postgraduate Program Master in Arts (PPGArtes) and Dance Course, from the Federal University of Pelotas (UFPel), and by the Ecarta Foundation.

● Free registration;
● Over 18 years old, of any nationality;
● Each participant will be able to register ONLY ONE videodance;
● Videodances performed in groups or by collectives must be registered by a single person, who will be the responsible for the registration;
● Productions completed from 2022;
● Productions that are considered harmful to human rights will be disqualified in advance;
●Each proponent is responsible for the rights regarding the soundtrack and the images of the submitted video dances;
● There will be no prizes:
●The submission act authorizes the use of videodance for the purpose of disclosure
of the FIVRS
● The submission act authorizes the videodance to become part of the FIVRS video library;
●The act of submission authorizes the videodance to be shown in FIVRS exhibition, in Brazil and abroad, for cultural, artistic and educational purposes, and for non-profit purposes;

● Free theme;
● The videos must be short – maximum duration of 10 (ten) minutes, including credits;
● Assistive features – audio description, subtitles, sign language – not required but will be appreciated;
● Presentation in any of the currently used standard extensions (AVI, MOV, WMV, MP4, etc), with a minimum resolution of 720p (HD) – suggested ideal 1920x1980p or at least 1280x720p.
● Submission via a link that allows the file to be downloaded.

●The selection of works will be carried out by an invited international committee;
●The list of selected videodances will be released on July 22, 2024, on the institutional pages of FIVRS, PPGArtes UFPel and ECARTA, as well as on their social networks

● The Submissions must be done until June 21, 2024, through google form:

April 29, 2024                                         Launch of the public notice
April 29 to June 21, 2024                  Submission of videodance works
July 22, 2024                                           Selection Result
July 31 to September 1, 2024         Exhibition at ECARTA – Porto Alegre, RS
July 31 to September 1, 2024         Exhibition at MALG – Pelotas, RS
July 31 to September 15, 2024      Exhibition on the FIVRS YouTube

General Coordination
Carmen Anita Hoffmann – UFPel
Rosângela Fachel – UFPel

Organizing committee
Carmen Anita Hoffmann – UFPel
Rosângela Fachel – UFPel
Carlise Scalamato – UFSM
Rebeca Recuero – UFPel
Hamilton Bittencourt – UFPel
Luana Echevengua Arrieche – IFSul
Larissa Schip – UFPel
Marcos Júlio Fuhr – Fundação ECARTA
André Venzon – Fundação ECARTA
Valéria Ochôa – Fundação ECARTA
Stela Pastore – Fundação ECARTA
Elisabete Crucillo – Fundação ECARTA