Rules of procedure
I. General Information
Dress code
The delegates must follow a formal dress code to keep the conference intergrade. Traditional clothes that reflect cultural context are allowed if the formality is sustained. However, specific garments like flip-flops and shorts are not allowed. The dress code may be disregarded on online simulations if the administrative team decides.
Diplomatic language
In all moments, it is essential for the delegates to approach each other with all respect. It is conventional and professional when referring to another delegate as “Dear delegate” or equivalent terms. In the same way, when talking about their country’s opinion, the delegates must not use “she/him” and “my position”. Instead, phrases such as “my country’s opinion” or “Brazil’s position” must be used.
The language used during the conference must reflect, in all aspects, the fact that the delegates are representing their countries and are trying to cooperate respectfully with one another.
Conference localization
PelotasMun and its localization are not responsible for any belongings left at the places that are hosting the event. However, if there is any lost object, PelotasMun’s team will be contacted and will happily help the best way possible. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the next simulations will be online. The administrative team will deliberate about the platforms that will be used.
Committee Session
All delegates are expected to be in their respective committee rooms during the sessions. If there is a need for a delegate to leave the committee room for an extended period of time, the Chairperson must be informed. Otherwise, the delegate will be considered absent from the session.
The Secretariat is the only member of the organization authorized to grant exceptions to any conference policy. If there is any request for exceptions, it must be sent in writing to or through the PelotasMUN website:
II. General rules of procedure
Official Language
In all committees, the official language will be Portuguese.
Delegate’s duties
The delegates must accept all the Chairperson’s decisions in the committees, respect the procedural rules, defend their country’s opinions and respect their colleagues and all PelotasMun’s participants.
Chairperson attribution
The Chairperson, vice-Chairperson and Secretary compose the Board, so the final decision will be made by them and are not available for any appeal.
- The Chairperson is responsible for the Committees’ general procedures, such as session opening and closure, speech time, compliance with procedural rules and work schedule.
- The vice-Chairperson is the one that will substitute the Chairperson when needed, provides support and receive demands from the delegates.
- As for the Secretary, it must lead the First Session, organizing the Speaker’s list, counting votes and taking care of other administrative duties that are not the responsibility of the Chairperson.
III. Applicable debate’s rules
For a debate session to be opened, at least 1/3 of the countries must be in the room. For voting about procedural issues to proceed, it is necessary the presence of a simple majority (1/2+1).
Agenda’s Adoption
When the first debate session is opened, the delegates must propose a motion for the adoption of one topic from the agenda (A or B). Thereafter it will be opened a list with an order of countries that want to speak in favor or against the motion. One closure motion can be introduced when two delegates are against and two are in favor. To be approved, the closure motion must be accepted by a qualified majority (2/3 of the delegates). After the closure debate, the committee will vote for the motion, which needs a simple majority (1/2+1) to be approved. If the motion is approved, the committee starts immediately the debate about the topic in question. If it failed, another topic is immediately adopted.
Speaker’s list
The Speaker’s list is the debates’ pattern. In the topic’s first session, the debates start with an opening of the list, and to subscribe to it, the delegation must raise their plaque and wait for their turn to speak. Only after the delegation’s speech, they are allowed to subscribe again to the Speaker’s list. During the Speaker’s list, the time limit will be determined by the Chairperson. This list can be postponed when a resolution proposal is introduced or when a parallel speaker’s list is opened for an amendment discussion.
Use of time
When the delegation does not use the entire time disposal for the speech, they can give the time remaining for the Board, for another delegation, or question.
Formal Debate
Formal debate happens Only at the First Session composed by the Speaker’s list. The speech’s time must be defined by the Board in an informal consultation.
Informal-Informal Debate
During the Informal Debate, delegates can freely move to discuss with other delegates to write a proposal. When raises the motion, the delegate must explain its reason and define a time limit. It is necessary to be approved by voting between the simple majority (1/2+1).
Formal-Informal Debate
It happens during the sessions after the First Formal Session. The delegates that agreed with de Board’s indication can ask for Order Point, Motions or Debates.