Prof. Dr. Fábio Vergara Cerqueira

Prof. Dr. Fábio Vergara Cerqueira

Teaching ICH / UFPel, RS, Brazil
He graduated from the Bachelor's Degree in History from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (1989 ) and completed a PhD in Social Anthropology with a concentration in Classical Archaeology , University of São Paulo (2001 ) . He is currently Associate Professor of the History Department of the Federal University of Pelotas , teaching courses in Bachelor and Bachelor of History, Bachelor Degree in Museology and Anthropology with specialization in Archaeology . Between 2006 and 2009 he was professor of the Master in Social Sciences . He is a professor , since 2007 , the Master in Social Memory and Cultural Heritage , and , since 2009 , the Masters in History . This university , was director of the Institute for the Humanities for two terms (2002-2010) , coordinator of the Course of History (2000-2002) Engineer Laboratory of Anthropology and Archaeology ( since 2001 ) and the Ethnographic Museum of the Cologne Maciel ( since 2006 ) . He was President (2001-2003) and Vice President (2004-2005) of the Brazilian Society for Classical Studies , and Chairman of the V Congress of the Brazilian Society for Classical Studies ( SBEC ) , conducted in 2003 . He served as national coordinator of the WG Ancient History of the National Association of History ( ANPUH ) between 2007 and 2008 . Integrates the editorial boards of the following journals : Dimensions . Magazine of History ( UFES ), Métis ( UCS ) ; Notebooks LEPAARQ . Text of Anthropology , Archaeology and Heritage ( UFPEL ) ; Justice & History ( Court of RS) , and Classical . Journal of SBEC . Has experience in the area of ​​History, with an emphasis in Historical Archaeology and Classical Archaeology , acting on the following topics : music , archeology , classical antiquity , ancient history and iconography. In recent years , has been dedicated to the areas of Social Memory and Cultural Heritage , as well as the museum management .

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