Categoria: Expert Opinions

100 anos do Partido Comunista da China: entre o discurso e a realidade by Kássia Schierholt

O Partido Comunista da China (PCCh), que completa em julho deste ano seu primeiro centenário, é considerado o principal organismo para o Estado chinês e o responsável pela sustentação das grandes conquistas do país.

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International Forum on geopolitics and vaccines at Casa Rosada: brief review by Juan Martin González Cabañas

On June 8 it was held at the museo Bicentenario- in Casa Rosada, Buenos Aires – the International Forum on “Geopolitics of vaccines”. There was a greater consensus among the participants: there is both a moral and a pragmatic obligation to share vaccines, affirmed sanitarians, scientists, scholars and public decision-makers.

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The Role of BRICS and Russia for a Multipolar World by Pennaforte & Grandra

Geopolitics and international relations have undergone several transformations throughout the 20th century. One of the most important of these is the two major world wars and the post-war cold re-organization of the world.

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Mercosul não deve ser tratado apenas como um bloco comercial, diz pesquisador

O Brasil decidiu apoiar uma proposta do Uruguai de reduzir em 20% a Tarifa Externa Comum (TEC) no Mercosul. Sobre este assunto a Sputnik Brasil ouviu o professor Charles Pennaforte, especialista no bloco sul-americano, que afirmou que o Mercosul deve ser aprofundado.

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UFPel scholar: “Russia is a strategic partner of Brazil”

In International Affairs (journal of Russia’s Foreign Ministry): To analyze Russia’s role today as a multilateral actor, its contributions to international stability and its relations with Brazil, Sputnik interviewed Charles Pennaforte.

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