This research project is a university action to investigate the scenario affected by the COVID-19 Pandemic, through the analysis of folkloric contexts in different countries and continents. The action is promoted by the Federal University of Pelotas (Universidade Federal de Pelotas), through the OMEGA Research Group – Observatory of Memory, Education, Gesture and Art (Observatório de Memória, Educação, Gesto e Arte) and the UFPel Folklore Center – NUFOLK (Arts Center), in partnership with ABRASOFFA – Brazilian Association of Organizers of Folklore Festivals and Popular Arts (Associação Brasileira of Folclore e Artes Populares) from São Paulo, with support from different universities and national and international institutions such as FURB – Regional University of Blumenau (Universidade Regional de Blumenau) from Santa Catarina, UPV – Universitat Politècnica de València (Spain), Abambaé Brazilian Dances Ballet (Companhia de Danças Brasileiras) from Pelotas/RS and Asociación Civil América Unida from Ciudad del Plata / Uruguay. This study aims to map, analyze, and reflect on the impacts of the Covid-19 Pandemic in folk contexts, especially regarding fulfillment and/or adaptation, continuity, and/or postponement of said events. Moreover, it aims to reflect on the possible impacts suffered and the projection of future developments. It is quantitative and qualitative research with an online survey to contact agents who work in folk contexts, in Brazil and abroad, to collect data for later tabulation, analysis, and dissemination/publication, related to issues that involve the impacts suffered by the Covid-19 Pandemic. Project approved by the Ethics in Research Committee (UFPel / Plataforma Brasil) enrolled under CAAE nº 39669720.2.0000.5317.


Covid-19 – Impacts of Pandemic – Event Management – Folklore and Popular Arts