Physical Education is considered both an area of knowledge and an area of professional intervention. In the school context, Physical Education is a discipline that aims to train the student through the contents of body culture: sports, games, dances, gymnastics and fights. For that, it uses pedagogical procedures that systematize the knowledge of these contents, adapting to the different levels of formal education.
The limitations imposed by the curricular guidelines, with regard to the total number of hours of the Physical Education Degree courses, made it impossible, during this initial training process, to deepen knowledge that addresses issues about curriculum, planning, methodology, programs, content, objectives, evaluation, legislation, public policies and working conditions.
With a view to reducing the gaps in professional training and offering adequate qualification, the faculty of the Higher School of Physical Education of the Federal University of Pelotas, provides, through the Postgraduate Course in Physical Education at School, Specialization level (Lato Sensu), continuing education with professional qualification to work in the field of physical education at school.