- PhD Candidate in Physics at UFRGS with CNPq Scholarship.
- Supervised by Prof. Marcia Barbosa (UFRGS) and cotutelage by Prof. Bordin.
- End: April 2021.
- PhD Thesis: Molecular Modeling of FLuids: Colloids, Water, Alcohol and their Mixtures
- Last Known Position (2021): Professor of Physics in Universidade Federal do Oeste da Bahia.
- List of publications in the Lab:
Hard core-soft shell particles near repulsive interfaces: interplay between adsorption, aggregation and diffusion. M. S. Marques and J. R. Bordin. Submitted (2021).
Core-softened water-alcohol mixtures: the solute-size effects. M. S. Marques, V. F. Hernandes and J. R. Bordin. Submitted (2021).
Competing interactions near the liquid-liquid phase transition of core-softened water/methanol mixtures. M. S. Marques, V. F. Hernandes, E. Lomba and J. R. Bordin. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 320, 114420 (2020).
Waterlike anomalies in hard core-soft shell nanoparticles using a effective potential approach: pinned vs adsorbed polymers. M. S. Marques, T. P. O. Nogueira, R. F. Dillenburg, M. C. Barbosa and J. R. Bordin.