Without the public funding this research would be impossible.
We employ Molecular Modeling to answer questions in soft matter in the frontier of Physics, Chemistry and Biology. Research interests includes (but are not limited to):
- Water, it’s anomalies and unique behavior;
- Nanofluidics;
- Polymorphic and polyamorphic substances and materials;
- Nanomaterials: assembly and applications;
- Physics of Cancer;
- Diffusion in biological systems;
- Soft Colloids and Nanoparticles;
- Complex fluids.
Brazilian Collaborations:
- Prof. Carolina F. de Matos (UFSM)
- Prof. Marcia Barbosa (UFRGS)
- Prof. Mateus Köhler (UFSM)
- Prof. Murilo Sodré Marques (UFOB)
- Prof. Alexandre Bonatto and Prof. Thatiane Alva Pianoschi (UFCSPA)
- Prof. Leandro B. Krott (UFSC)
- Prof. Elizane E. Moraes (UFBA)
- Dr. Thiago Puccinelli (USP)
- Prof. Mauricio Piotrowski (UFPel)
International Collaborations:
- Prof. Francesco Piazza (Univ. Florence/Italy)
- Prof. Rui Travasso (Univ. Coimbra/Portugal)
- Prof. Gustavo Appignanesi (Inquisur/UNS/Argentina)
- Prof. Enrique Lomba (CSIC/Spain)
- Prof. Manuel Carlevaro (IFLYSIB/UNLP/Argentina)
Grants by: