Wholesale Commerce and the Formation of Associativist Networks: Supermarkets in the Small Cities of Rio Grande do Norte

This Wednesday, 08/03/22 follows the ReBECCa event with another discussion about Geography, Commerce and Consumption. On the occasion, the theme “Wholesale Commerce and the Formation of Associativist Networks: Supermarkets in the Small Cities of Rio Grande do Norte”, will be presented by Professor Jomara Dantas Pessoa. Professor Rita de Cássia Gomes will be coordinating the table with the technical support of Professor Dione Lihtnov.

Participation in the activity is free, and the interested party only needs to access ReBECCa’s You Tube channel through the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B9zc6J-YldA.



For more information, access the event website and register: https://www.even3.com.br/rederebecca/.



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