Collegiate of ReBECCa Coordinators holds a meeting to plan actions in the network

On Wednesday (19/05/22) the Collegiate of Coordinators of the Brazilian Network of Geographical Studies on Commerce and Consumption, ReBECCa, met to discuss the functioning of the network.

On the agenda, with a scheduled program, the launch of Meetings, Consumption and Culture in the Cities, starting on 05/31 and until 11/27. It is intended that the activity proposed by Professor Rita de Cásia da Conceição Gomes (UFRN) with the adhesion of members of the network, dynamize both during the actions or year, allow a better integration between the participants. The event should provide, in accordance with the proposed objectives, a better theoretical foundation for future research on topics of common interest. The promotion of the activity is encouraged.

Another point discussed was the holding of the I National Meeting of ReBECCa, to be held next year in the city of Pelotas, RS. It was decided that it would be organized by the event, Paulo Roberto Brandão (UFPEL) and Sidney Gonçalves Vieira (UFPEL), Paulo Roberto Brandão (UFPEL) and Sidney Gonçalves Vieira (UFPEL). The date of the event, to be defined by the committee, should not coincide with other events of interest already planned for 2023, such as EGAL, CINCCI and the International Network of Commerce, Consumption.

The affiliations in the network were also discussed, with the general understanding that participation must be effected by subscribing to the blog, available at the ReBECCa URL at and all of them will be considered effective members. who subscribe to the aforementioned blog and fill out the form, available at the same electronic address. It is suggested that the participants of the WhatsApp group also register on the blog, through which greater integration of the network will be carried out.
In other matters, Professor Sidney informed that he will carry out with his working group at UFPEL, the Laboratory of Urban and Regional Studies, a teaching and research activity with a view to discussing the IBGE’s Atlas of Commerce. The purpose, in addition to knowing the information contained in the publication, is to identify indicators that can be disaggregated at the municipal and/or urban level for the purpose of carrying out comparative studies. As soon as the first analyzes are carried out, the results will be disseminated so that more interested parties can participate.

Finally, as a report, the English version of the ReBECCa blog was published, with the aim of expanding the capacity to publicize the activities carried out on the network. A Spanish version will also be available soon. Not all news will have the foreign versions, but at least there will be a menu for each language with the publication of the main structure of the site. The work is in the implementation phase and the versions are not made by professionals in the respective languages, so all contributions are welcome.



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