Diego da Silva Alves

CV Lattes

Prof. Dr. Alves received his B.S. in Chemistry (2002), Master (2004) and PhD (2008) degrees in Organic Chemistry at Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM). In 2008, he was a postdoctoral fellow at University of São Paulo (USP). Between 2008 and 2009, he worked as a researcher and professor at the Franciscan University (UFN) in Santa Maria, Brazil. After that, he held a position of Adjunct Professor at Federal University of Pelotas, Brazil, and joined the Laboratory of Clean Organic Synthesis Group (LASOL UFPel). He works in the Undergraduate Courses in Industrial Chemistry and Bachelor of Chemistry and in the Graduate Programs in Chemistry (PPGQ) and Biotechnology (PPGB). He was a member of the editorial board of the journals Medicinal Chemistry (Hilversum), Current Microwave Chemistry and Current Organocatalysis; He was Associate Editor of the Journal Advanced Research Journal (IF 10,479). He is an affiliate member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences (2017-2021); CNPq Research Productivity Fellow – Level 1D; Editor-in-Chief of the Organocatalysis section of the Journal Frontiers in Catalysis; Member of the advisory committee of the Chemistry area of the Research Support Foundation of the State of Rio Grande do Sul (FAPERGS). Currently, Dr. Alves is an affiliate member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences. His research lines involve the development of efficient, green procedures for preparing organochalcogen compounds with biological activities. The use of atom-efficient reactions (click-chemistry), transition-metal catalysis (Pd, Cu, Ag, Ni), organocatalysis, direct chalcogenylation reactions and green solvents are among the protocols developed by Dr. Alves.

The text above was taken from the teacher’s Curriculum Lattes. The PPGQ Coordination is not responsible for inaccurate information or inaccuracy in the data provided.