Diego da Silva Alves

CV Lattes

Prof. Diego Alves has a degree in Industrial Chemistry (2002) from the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM, RS), a master’s degree (2004) and a doctorate (2008) in Organic Chemistry from the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM, RS). He completed a Post-Doctoral internship at the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences of the University of São Paulo (USP, SP, 2008); He served as a recent FAPERGS doctoral fellow and Adjunct Professor at the Franciscan University in Santa Maria (UFN, RS, 2008-2009). He currently develops teaching and research activities at the Federal University of Pelotas (UFPel, RS). He works in the Undergraduate Courses in Industrial Chemistry and Bachelor’s Degree in Chemistry and in the Postgraduate Programs in Chemistry (PPGQ) and Biotechnology (PPGB). He was a member of the editorial board of the journals Medicinal Chemistry (Hilversum), Current Microwave Chemistry, and Current Organocatalysis; He was Associate Editor of the Journal Advanced Research and Editor-in-Chief of the Organocatalysis section of the Journal Frontiers in Catalysis. He was an affiliate member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences (2017-2021); CNPq Research Productivity Scholarship – Level 1C; Member of the advisory committee for the Chemistry and Interdisciplinary area of ​​the Rio Grande do Sul State Research Support Foundation (FAPERGS). He has experience in the area of ​​Chemistry, with an emphasis on Organic Synthesis, working mainly on the following topics: cycloaddition reactions using metal catalysis or organocatalysis; coupling reactions catalyzed by transition metals (Pd, Cu, Ag, Ni), reactions with organochalcogens (S, Se and Te), reactions with organic boron reagents, synthesis and pharmacological evaluation of functionalized heterocycles.

The text above was taken from the teacher’s Curriculum Lattes. The PPGQ Coordination is not responsible for inaccurate information or inaccuracy in the data provided.