Profa. Dra. Camila Diogo de Souza
Postdoctoral CNRS / UMR 7041 / MAE / X Paris, France
Postdoctoral fellow at CNRS / UMR 7041 - ArScAn (Archéologies Sciences et de l'Antiquité) égéenne Proto-histoire at the Maison René Ginouvès, Université Paris X / Nanterre, France, postdoctoral scholar abroad by CNPq, has a Ph.D. (2010), MSc (2005) in Classical Archaeology at Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology (MAE), University of São Paulo (USP) and a degree in History (2001) from the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Human Sciences (FFLCH), University of São Paulo (USP). Has experience in the area of archeology, with an emphasis on Classical Archaeology, acting on the following subjects: Iron Age and Geometric Pottery Protogeométrica, mortuary practices, Argolis, Argos in funerary contexts, analysis of the funerary space and heroic cult in the Geometric period.