Arquivo por tag: Rússia

New Policy Brief #19 “Russian Strategies and Brazilian Potential in Africa” by Juan Ramirez

“What lessons can Brazil and its companies learn from Russia’s African strategy? The 1st Russia-Africa Summit (2019) highlighted Russia’s plans to establish a holistic approach to African countries. The increasing presence of Moscow on the continent, along with the success of the second summit in 2023, points to the effectiveness of its anti-systemic strategies. Brazil …

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New! Working Paper #02: Reflections on Two Years of Russia-Ukraine Conflict by Antonio Celso Ribeiro Brasiliano and Décio Luís Schons

Working Paper # 02 2024 – LabGRIMA UFPEL Reflections on Two Years of Russia-Ukraine Conflict

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Charles Pennaforte na Sputnik Brasil: Vladimir Putin, afirmou que o Brasil “tem um crescimento colossal de sua influência”

O presidente da Rússia, Vladimir Putin, afirmou que o Brasil “tem um crescimento colossal de sua influência”. A fala, feita nesta quinta-feira (5), durante sua apresentação no Clube Valdai de Discussões Internacionais, se deu no contexto do crescimento da ordem multipolar no mundo.

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Russia Tries to Open African Front to Win in Ukraine

Africa’s history has been shaped by tumultuous events, including coup d’etats influenced by global power struggles between the USA and the Soviet Union.

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Russia is Looking for New Economic Partners—in Africa

Russia’s turn towards the Global South, including and especially Africa, may turn out to be one of the most defining legacies of the war in Ukraine. By Vuk Vuksanovic

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