Arquivo por tag: Relações Internacionais

New Policy Brief #20 “Geoeconomic and Geopolitical Importance of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates Joining BRICS Plus (2024)” by Mateus Santos.

What are the geopolitical and geoeconomic benefits of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates joining BRICS?

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New Policy Brief #19 “Russian Strategies and Brazilian Potential in Africa” by Juan Ramirez

“What lessons can Brazil and its companies learn from Russia’s African strategy? The 1st Russia-Africa Summit (2019) highlighted Russia’s plans to establish a holistic approach to African countries. The increasing presence of Moscow on the continent, along with the success of the second summit in 2023, points to the effectiveness of its anti-systemic strategies. Brazil …

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III Colóquio de Geopolítica e Conjuntura Internacional: inscrições abertas

Em sua terceira edição o III Colóquio conta com a participação de especialistas do Brasil e do exterior para a analisar a atual conjuntura internacional.

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Le Monde Diplomatique Brasil: As ilusões do Ocidente: não há como parar as transformações geopolíticas em curso por Charles Pennaforte

O surgimento do Brics foi o primeiro marco no processo de renovação da dinâmica capitalista internacional, apesar das enormes assimetrias entre seus membros

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Russia Tries to Open African Front to Win in Ukraine

Africa’s history has been shaped by tumultuous events, including coup d’etats influenced by global power struggles between the USA and the Soviet Union.

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