Arquivo por tag: BRICS

New Policy Brief #20 “Geoeconomic and Geopolitical Importance of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates Joining BRICS Plus (2024)” by Mateus Santos.

What are the geopolitical and geoeconomic benefits of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates joining BRICS?

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Le Monde Diplomatique Brasil: As ilusões do Ocidente: não há como parar as transformações geopolíticas em curso por Charles Pennaforte

O surgimento do Brics foi o primeiro marco no processo de renovação da dinâmica capitalista internacional, apesar das enormes assimetrias entre seus membros

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The illusions of the West: there is no stopping the ongoing geopolitical transformations by Charles Pennaforte

Charles Penaforte wrote to  China Daily News, one of the most important newpapers from China.

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Lançamento! LabGRIMA/GeoMercosul Working Papers #01: O Egito de Al-Sisi no BRICS? Considerações geopolíticas

LabGRIMA/GeoMercosul lança o #1 de seus Working Papers. Os desdobramentos da XV Cúpula dos BRICS em Johanesburgo foram alvo de atenção do noticiário sobre a política internacional contemporânea.

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World entering new phase not to be commanded by US: expert from Brazilian university

Charles Pennaforte was mentioned in the China Daily newspaper about his international geopolitical analysis.

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