“What are the impacts of cyberattacks on critical infrastructures in Brazil? It is understood that critical infrastructures are composed of systems that provide essential services to society and act in the most diverse areas that structure the national order. It is necessary to identify protection failures and produce effective solutions to resist attacks, since Brazil is a very digitized country, which increases its exposure to attacks and highlights the vulnerability of Brazilian cybersecurity systems, being one of the main targets of cybercriminals, and the insufficiency of information about the threats and losses of breaches.”.
abr 19
New Policy Brief #17 “France, the Amazon and the self-interested instrumentalization of the Brazilian environment” by Nairana Bones and Caio Auler
“Why does France’s mobilization of the environmental agenda in Brazil consist of a practice of greenwashing? Brazil and France have the environmental agenda as one of the main axes of cooperation in bilateral relations. Continue lendo
abr 19
New Policy Brief #16 “COP 28 and the impacts of Brazil’s renewable energy on climate risk mitigation” by Beatriz dos Santos Ferreira and Mônica Iha.
“What benefits can the commitment to reducing greenhouse gases bring to Brazil? The 28th Conference of the Parties on Climate Change took place in 2023 in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Its theme was the acceleration of the energy transition, aiming to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in order to limit global warming. Continue lendo
mar 21
PodCast LabGRIMA #44 A Reeleição de Putin: o que o Ocidente pode esperar?
O que o Ocidente poderá esperar de mais um mandato de Vladmir Putin? A OTAN continuará ganhando os dividendos políticos e econômicos com a atuação russa na Ucrânia?
mar 19
CENEGRI-LABGRIMA-INTERISK- IIGS: Webinar Riscos Geopolíticos 26/03/2024
A necessidade de ter planos estratégicos eficazes implica que a alta gestão das empresas tenha uma compreensão de Riscos Geopolíticos. Embora o Brasil esteja afastado físicamente dos pontos de tensão, hoje, na nossa sociedade moderna, os eventos globais são interdependentes e interconectados. Portanto a distância física não vale mais. É primordial a compreensão das dinâmicas das crises globais, tais como como a guerra da Ucrânia, a escalada do conflito no Oriente Médio, as eleições americanas, as complexidades geopolíticas da China e a desigualdade da economia global.