Categoria: Evento

ValdaiClub: The Strategic Partnership Between Moscow and Beijing Towards the Late Post-Cold War Era by Charles Pennaforte


What is now at stake in Ukraine regarding NATO membership is whether Russia as a nation has the right to guarantee the minimum security conditions for its population and territory, writes Charles Pennaforte, Professor at the Federal University of Pelotas (Brazil).

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Vídeo: Colóquio de História Global

O LabGRIMA e o Grupo de Pesquisa GeoMercosul promovem no dia 29 de setembro  o debate sobre a História Global e sua importância para a análise da realidade contemporânea.

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Colóquio de História Global

Está disponível o vídeo completo do evento.

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II Colóquio Internacional Geopolítica e Conjuntura

O LabGRIMA e o GeoMercosul organizam o II Colóquio Internacional Geopolítica e Conjuntura Internacional com a presença de analistas da Rússia, Argentina e Brasil.

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[EXPERT OPINIONS]Let’s start from a premise that should be completely obvious from… by Giuseppe Gagliano

Let’s start from a premise that should be completely obvious from a strategic point of view: any maritime strategy, whether the English one – from the eighteenth century to the Second World War – or the American one, is necessarily a long-term strategy and therefore requires long-term investments by looking where it is possible to …

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