Confirmed Speaker – Gauthier Lafruit
Title: From MPEG immersive video to holography Wednesday, October 21st, 10:30 AM (GMT-3) Gauthier Lafruit
Title: From MPEG immersive video to holography Wednesday, October 21st, 10:30 AM (GMT-3) Gauthier Lafruit
Title: Evolução da televisão no Brasil Tuesday, October 19th, 04:30 PM (GMT-3) Carlos Cosme
Title: Unified representation learning for vision-language understanding Tuesday, October 20th, 04:30 PM (GMT-3) Lei Zhang
Title: Application of Reinforcement Learning to Video Encoder Control and Video Prediction Tuesday, October, 19th. 09:00 AM (GMT-3) Wen-Hsiao Peng
Title: From media compression, to data compression, to AI-enabled data coding Tuesday, October, 20th. 10:30 AM (GMT-3) Leonardo Chiariglione
The poster submission deadline has been set to September 30th, 2020 (11:59 PM GMT-3). The guidelines for submission can be found here.