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13° Cúpula do BRICS (2021)

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Meeting of S&T Steering Committee11th BRICS S&T Steering Committee1/20/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting S&T Dth BRICS S&T Steering Committee12th BRICS S&T Steering Committee6/22/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting S&T Dth BRICS S&T Steering Committee12th BRICS S&T Steering Committee7/8/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting of CGETI26th Meeting of BRICS Contact Group on Economic and Trade Issues (CGETI)3/9/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting of CGETI27th Meeting of BRICS Contact Group on Economic and Trade Issues (CGETI)7/12/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting of CGETI28th Meeting of BRICS Contact Group on Economic and Trade Issues (CGETI)8/31/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting Governing Dnd BRICS CRA Governing Council Meeting2nd BRICS CRA Governing Council Meeting-Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting CRA Drd and 4th BRICS CRA SEMI Meeting3rd and 4th BRICS CRA SEMI Meeting-Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting Force Drd and 4th BRICS Payments Task Force (BPTF) Meeting3rd and 4th BRICS Payments Task Force (BPTF) Meeting-Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting and Dth Meeting of BRICS Sherpas and Sous Sherpas4th Meeting of BRICS Sherpas and Sous Sherpas-Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting of Working Group on Ocean and Polar Science and technology4th Meeting of the BRICS Working Group on Ocean and Polar Science and technology7/27/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting on Dth Meeting of the Joint Task Force (JTF) on Disaster Management4th Meeting of the Joint Task Force (JTF) on Disaster Management-Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting Security Dth and 6th BRICS Rapid Information Security Channel (BRISC)5th and 6th BRICS Rapid Information Security Channel (BRISC)-Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting of Heads of Anti-Druga Agencies5th BRICS Anti-Drug Working Group Meeting Communiqué6/24/2021AccessNão encontrado.
Meeting Technical Dth and 7th BRICS CRA Technical Group Meeting6th and 7th BRICS CRA Technical Group Meeting-Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting Technology Deeting of BRICS Senior Officials on Science, Technology, and Innovation9th BRICS Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) Ministerial Meeting via video conference11/29/2021AccessNão encontrado.
Agreement on CooperationAgreement on Cooperation on BRICS Remote Sensing Satellite8/18/2021AccessNão encontrado.
Meeting & Dmmunization & COVID-19 Vaccine’BRICS ‘Immunization & COVID-19 Vaccine’7/23/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting technology Dcademic Dialogue in Digital BRICS: A new framework for cooperation on technology and innovationBRICS Academic Dialogue in Digital BRICS: A new framework for cooperation on technology and innovation6/24/2021AccessNão encontrado.
Meeting led Dcademic Dialogue on Future of Jobs and Work: Towards a women-led growth frameworkBRICS Academic Dialogue on Future of Jobs and Work: Towards a women-led growth framework6/2/2021AccessNão encontrado.
Meeting on Dcademic Dialogue on Global HealthBRICS Academic Dialogue on Global Health5/11/2021AccessNão encontrado.
Meeting on Dcademic Dialogue on International SecurityBRICS Academic Dialogue on International Security6/15/2021AccessNão encontrado.
Meeting on Dcademic Dialogue on Reformed MultilateralismBRICS Academic Dialogue on Reformed Multilateralism4/24/2021AccessNão encontrado.
Meeting Sustainable Dcademic Dialogue on Sustainable Development GoalsBRICS Academic Dialogue on Sustainable Development Goals5/20/2021AccessNão encontrado.
BRICS Academic ForumBRICS Academic Forum8/3/2021AccessNão encontrado.
Meeting Interbank Dnnual Financial Forum under the BRICS Interbank Cooperation MechanismBRICS Annual Financial Forum under the BRICS Interbank Cooperation Mechanism9/8/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting of Anti-Corruption Working Group (ACWG)BRICS Anti-Corruption Working Group (ACWG)3/26/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting of Anti-Corruption Working Group (ACWG)BRICS Anti-Corruption Working Group (ACWG)7/2/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting of BRICS Bond Fund WGBRICS Bond Fund Working Group2/25/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting of BRICS Bond Fund WGBRICS Bond Fund Working Group5/12/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting of BRICS Bond Fund WGBRICS Bond Fund Working Group6/21/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting of BRICS Bond Fund WGBRICS Bond Fund Working Group9/9/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting Working Dond Fund Working Group MeetingBRICS Bond Fund Working Group Meeting-Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting BRICS Dusiness CouncilBRICS Business Council Annual Report “Intra-BRICS Cooperation for Continuity, Consolidation and Consensus”8/31/2021AccessNão encontrado.
Meeting Banks Dentral Banks Workstream SeminarBRICS Central Banks Workstream Seminar-Not found.Não encontrado.
BRICS Civil Forum Outcome DocumentBRICS Civil Forum - Outcome Document7/28/2021AccessNão encontrado.
Meeting Forum Divil Forum Curtain RaiserBRICS Civil Forum Curtain Raiser4/16/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting and Donference on Technology Foresight and STI PolicyBRICS Conference on Technology Foresight and STI Policy-Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting of Contingent Reserve Arrangement (CRA) Standing CommitteeBRICS Contingent Reserve Arrangement (CRA) Standing Committee 3/30/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting of BRICS Contingent Reserve Arrangemente Techincal GroupBRICS Contingent Reserve Arrangement (CRA) Technical Group1/15/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting of BRICS Contingent Reserve Arrangemente Techincal GroupBRICS Contingent Reserve Arrangement (CRA) Technical Group3/4/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting of BRICS Contingent Reserve Arrangemente Techincal GroupBRICS Contingent Reserve Arrangement (CRA) Technical Group5/17/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting of BRICS Contingent Reserve Arrangemente Techincal GroupBRICS Contingent Reserve Arrangement (CRA) Technical Group5/27/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting of BRICS Contingent Reserve Arrangemente Techincal GroupBRICS Contingent Reserve Arrangement (CRA) Technical Group8/10/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting Terrorism Dounter Terrorism Working GroupBRICS COUNTER TERRORISM ACTION PLAN6/28/2021AccessNão encontrado.
Meeting Sub Dounter Terrorism Working Group - Sub - Working GroupsBRICS Counter Terrorism Working Group - Sub - Working Groups7/26/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
System of Exchange in Macroeconomic InformationBRICS CRA System of Exchange in Macroeconomic Information (SEMI)3/10/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
System of Exchange in Macroeconomic InformationBRICS CRA System of Exchange in Macroeconomic Information (SEMI)2/18/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting of BRICS Customs ExpertsBRICS Customs Experts3/16/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting of BRICS Customs ExpertsBRICS Customs Experts6/29/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting of BRICS Customs ExpertsBRICS Customs Experts8/16/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting of BRICS Customs ExpertsBRICS Customs Experts8/19/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting of Deans of Diplomatic AcademiesBRICS Deans of Diplomatic Academies 3/16/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
Digital Health SummitBRICS Digital Health Declaration India9/2/2021AccessNão encontrado.
Meeting of Disaster Management Joint Task ForceBRICS Disaster Management Joint Task Force4/16/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
BRICS Economic Forum BRICS Economic Forum (BRICS Academic Dialogue)7/19/2021AccessNão encontrado.
Meeting of Education MinistersBRICS Education Ministers 7/6/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting of Employment Working GroupBRICS Employment Working Group5/11/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting of Employment Working GroupBRICS Employment Working Group7/9/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting Senior Dnergy Research Platform - Committee of Senior Energy OfficialsBRICS Energy Research Platform - Committee of Senior Energy Officials5/12/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting Group Dxpert Group on AgricultureBRICS Expert Group on Agriculture7/26/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting in Experts in Traditional MedicinesBRICS Experts in Traditional Medicines3/25/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting BRICS Dilm FestivalBRICS Film Festival-Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting Festival Dilm Festival Curtain RaiserBRICS Film Festival Curtain Raiser-Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting Film Dilm Technology SymposiumBRICS Film Technology Symposium9/1/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting of Finance and Central Bank DeputiesBRICS Finance and Central Bank Deputies2/24/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting of Finance and Central Bank DeputiesBRICS Finance and Central Bank Deputies7/27/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting of Finance Ministers and Central Bank GovernorsBRICS Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors (FMCBG)4/6/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting of Finance Ministers and Central Bank GovernorsBRICS Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors Statement8/26/2021AccessNão encontrado.
Meeting Foreign Doreign Policy DialogueBRICS Foreign Policy Dialogue-Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting New Dorum on Partnership on New Industrial RevolutionBRICS Forum on Partnership on New Industrial Revolution9/7/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting Government Driendship Cities and Local Government Cooperation ForumBRICS Friendship Cities and Local Government Cooperation Forum-Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting BRICS Dusion WeekBRICS Fusion Week-Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting of Group on Digital Financial InclusionBRICS Group on Digital Financial Inclusion2/8/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting of Group on Digital Financial InclusionBRICS Group on Digital Financial Inclusion3/18/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting of Group on Digital Financial InclusionBRICS Group on Digital Financial Inclusion4/20/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting of Group on Digital Financial InclusionBRICS Group on Digital Financial Inclusion5/25/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting of Heads of Customs AdministrationsBRICS Heads of Customs Administrations 7/8/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting Statistical Deads of National Statistical Offices (NSOs)BRICS Heads of National Statistical Offices (NSOs)-Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting of Heads of the Space AgenciesBRICS Heads of the Space Agencies 8/18/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting on Digh-Level Forum on Traditional MedicinesBRICS High-Level Forum on Traditional Medicines-Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting of High Ranking Officials Responsible for Security Matters National Security AdvisorsBRICS High-Ranking Officials Responsible for Security Matters/National Security Advisors 8/24/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting International Dnternational Municipal ForumBRICS International Municipal Forum-Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting International Dnternational Youth CampBRICS International Youth Camp-Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting of Industry MinistersBRICS Joint Declaration for Industry Ministers8/18/2021AccessNão encontrado.
Meeting of Foreign Affairs MinistersBRICS Joint Statement on Strengthening and Reforming the Multilateral System6/1/2021AccessNão encontrado.
Meeting of Labour and Employment MinistersBRICS Labour and Employment Ministers Declaration7/15/2021AccessNão encontrado.
Meeting and Deeting of Fintech for Small and Medium Enterprises and Financial InclusionBRICS Meeting of Fintech for Small and Medium Enterprises and Financial Inclusion5/20/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting of Deeting of Tax ExpertsBRICS Meeting of Tax Experts-Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting BRICS RoundtableBRICS MSME Roundtable7/22/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting International Detwork University International Governing BoardBRICS Network University International Governing Board6/29/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting of Officials from Foreign Ministries and Space AgenciesBRICS Officials from Foreign Ministries and Space Agencies4/13/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting in Dymposium on ‘The role of Traditional Medicine in public health interventions on COVID-19 in BRICS Countries’BRICS Online Declaration in 2021 on Applying Traditional Medicine to Combat COVID-196/30/2021AccessNão encontrado.
Meeting BRICS Darliamentarian ForumBRICS Parliamentarian Forum-Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting PartNIR DartNIR Advisory GroupBRICS PartNIR Advisory Group7/27/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting PartNIR DartNIR Advisory GroupBRICS PartNIR Advisory Group8/6/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting PartNIR DartNIR Advisory GroupBRICS PartNIR Advisory Group8/10/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
BRICS Payments Task Force (BPTF)BRICS Payments Task Force (BPTF)2/3/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
BRICS Payments Task Force (BPTF)BRICS Payments Task Force (BPTF)5/24/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
BRICS Rapid Information Security Channel (BRISC)BRICS Rapid Information Security Channel (BRISC)1/29/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
BRICS Rapid Information Security Channel (BRISC)BRICS Rapid Information Security Channel (BRISC)3/19/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
BRICS Rapid Information Security Channel (BRISC)BRICS Rapid Information Security Channel (BRISC)5/21/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
BRICS Rapid Information Security Channel (BRISC)BRICS Rapid Information Security Channel (BRISC)7/15/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting Investment Doundtable for Trade and Investment Promotion AgenciesBRICS Roundtable for Trade and Investment Promotion Agencies9/8/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting S&T Dunding PartiesBRICS S&T Funding Parties7/24/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting and Dcience and Technology MinistersBRICS Science and Technology Ministers-Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting Science Dcience Popularizers ForumBRICS Science Popularizers Forum-Not found.Não encontrado.
9th BRICS Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) Ministerial Meeting via video conferenceBRICS Science, Tecnology and Innovation (STI) Calendar of Activities 2021-202211/26/2021AccessNão encontrado.
Meeting Senior Denior Culture OfficialsBRICS Senior Culture Officials7/1/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting Senior Denior Energy OfficialsBRICS Senior Energy Officials5/20/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting Senior Denior Energy OfficialsBRICS Senior Energy Officials8/11/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting Officers Denior Officers of TourismBRICS Senior Officers of Tourism7/12/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting Officials Denior Officials on EducationBRICS Senior Officials on Education7/2/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting Health Denior Officials on Health/Traditional MedicinesBRICS Senior Officials on Health/Traditional Medicines7/26/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting Smart Dmart Cities WorkshopBRICS Smart Cities Workshop8/5/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting North Dpecial Envoys for Middle East and North Africa (MENA)BRICS Special Envoys for Middle East and North Africa (MENA)5/17/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting Call Dall: Flagship Programme 2021BRICS STI Call: Flagship Programme 2021-Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting of Task Force on PPP and InfrastructureBRICS Task Force on PPP and Infrastructure4/9/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting of Task Force on PPP and InfrastructureBRICS Task Force on PPP and Infrastructure8/10/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting TB Desearch NetworkBRICS TB Research Network5/14/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting Innovation Dechnology Transfer and Innovation Cooperation ForumBRICS Technology Transfer and Innovation Cooperation Forum-Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting and Dechnology Transfer Network Cooperation Conference and related activitiesBRICS Technology Transfer Network Cooperation Conference and related activities-Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting Think Dhink Tank CouncilBRICS Think Tank Council8/25/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting Tank Dhink Tank Council MeetingBRICS Think Tank Council Meeting4/14/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting of BRICS Think Tank CouncilBRICS Think Tank Council Meeting8/3/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting BRICS Business Forum BRICS Trade Fair 2021 & BRICS Business Forum 20218/16/2021AccessNão encontrado.
BRICS Urbanisation ForumBRICS Urbanisation Forum11/11/2021AccessNão encontrado.
Meeting BRICS Dater ForumBRICS Water Forum-Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting Forum Dater Forum (STI event)BRICS Water Forum (STI event)-Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting Women Domen Innovation ContestBRICS Women Innovation Contest7/30/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting s Domen’s Business AllianceBRICS Women’s Business Alliance9/2/2021AccessNão encontrado.
Meeting Group Dorking Group on AgricultureBRICS Working Group on Agriculture8/12/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting Group Dorking Group on AstronomyBRICS Working Group on Astronomy5/19/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting Health Dorking Group on Biotechnology and Biomedicine including Human Health and NeuroscienceBRICS Working Group on Biotechnology and Biomedicine including Human Health and Neuroscience5/25/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting Group Dorking Group on EnvironmentBRICS Working Group on Environment8/26/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting High Dorking Group On ICTs and High-Performance ComputingBRICS Working Group On ICTs and High-Performance Computing5/27/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting of Working Group on Research Infrastructure and Mega-Science projectsBRICS Working Group on Research Infrastructure and Mega-Science projects3/1/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting Group Dorking Group on STIEPBRICS Working Group on Science, Technology, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Partnership (STIEP WG) -PROPOSED ACTION PLAN 2021-24-AccessNão encontrado.
Meeting Group Dorking Group on TelecommunicationBRICS Working Group on Telecommunication8/25/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting on Dorkshop on Business IncubationBRICS Workshop on Business Incubation-Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting in Dorkshop on Trade in Services StatisticsBRICS Workshop on Trade in Services Statistics7/16/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting in Dorkshop on Trade in Services StatisticsBRICS Workshop on Trade in Services Statistics8/13/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting Young Doung Diplomats’ ForumBRICS Young Diplomats’ Forum-Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting Young Doung Scientists’ ConclaveBRICS Young Scientists’ Conclave-Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting BRICS Douth SummitBRICS Youth Summit8/29/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting of Energy MinistersCommunique Adopted in the BRICS Energy Ministers Meeting9/2/2021AccessNão encontrado.
Meeting of Deeting of Tax HeadsCommuniqué of Meeting of the Heads of Tax Authorities of the BRICS countries9/15/2021AccessNão encontrado.
IPR CooperationCooperation for Protection of Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Traditional Cultural Expressions under the BRICS IPR Cooperation-AccessNão encontrado.
Meeting CRA Governing CouncilCRA Governing Council 6/30/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting Standing Dtanding Committee MeetingsCRA Standing Committee Meetings-Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting of Culture MinistersDeclaration of the 6th BRICS Culture Ministers' Meeting7/2/2021AccessNão encontrado.
Ministers’ MeetingDeclaration of the 7th BRICS Communications Ministers’ Meeting10/22/2021AccessNão encontrado.
Meeting Efficiency Dnergy Efficiency Working GroupEnergy Efficiency Working Group7/13/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting Experts on BRICS Terms of ReferenceExperts on BRICS Terms of Reference4/6/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting Experts on BRICS Terms of ReferenceExperts on BRICS Terms of Reference4/19/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting Experts on BRICS Terms of ReferenceExperts on BRICS Terms of Reference7/20/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
FrameworkFramework for Ensuring Consumer Protection in E-commerce-AccessNão encontrado.
Meeting for Darmonization of Standards: Challenges and Opportunities for World TradeHarmonization of Standards: Challenges and Opportunities for World Trade9/6/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting of Heads of Competition Agencies Heads of BRICS Competition Agencies 5/27/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting of of Intellectual Property Offices HIPO AugustHeads of Intellectual Property Offices (HIPO) 25 August 20218/25/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting of Agriculture MinistersJoint Declaration of the Eleventh Meeting of BRICS Agriculture Ministers 8/27/2021AccessNão encontrado.
Meeting Enforcement Doint operation under BRICS Customs Joint Enforcement Network (JEN)Joint operation under BRICS Customs Joint Enforcement Network (JEN)-Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting of Ministers Heads of Agencies Responsible for YouthJoint Statement of BRICS Ministers Responsible for Youth8/31/2021AccessNão encontrado.
Meeting BRICS Daunch of BRICS Academic ProcessLaunch of BRICS Academic Process4/13/2021AccessNão encontrado.
Meeting of Foreign Affairs MinistersMedia statement - Meeting of the BRICS Ministers of Foreign Affairs/International Relations6/1/2021AccessNão encontrado.
Meeting of BRICS Contingent Reserve Arrangement (CRA) Research GroupMeeting of BRICS Contingent Reserve Arrangement (CRA) Research Group2/5/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting of BRICS Contingent Reserve Arrangement (CRA) Research GroupMeeting of BRICS Contingent Reserve Arrangement (CRA) Research Group3/15/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting of BRICS Contingent Reserve Arrangement (CRA) Research GroupMeeting of BRICS Contingent Reserve Arrangement (CRA) Research Group5/13/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting Ministers Deeting of BRICS Ministers of TelecommunicationMeeting of BRICS Ministers of Telecommunication-Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting Thematic Deeting of BRICS Network University (BRICS NU) International Thematic Group (ITG)Meeting of BRICS Network University (BRICS NU) International Thematic Group (ITG)3/30/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
Sherpas and Sous-sherpas MeetingMeeting of BRICS Sherpas/Sous-Sherpas2/24/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
Sherpas and Sous-sherpas MeetingMeeting of BRICS Sherpas/Sous-Sherpas5/26/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
Sherpas and Sous-sherpas MeetingMeeting of BRICS Sherpas/Sous-Sherpas9/7/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
Sous-sherpas MeetingMeeting of BRICS Sous-Sherpas8/18/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting BRICS Deeting of BRICS Sports MinistersMeeting of BRICS Sports Ministers-Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting Funding Deeting of BRICS STI Funding Working GroupMeeting of BRICS STI Funding Working Group-Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting Cooperation Deeting of CEOs of BRICS Interbank Cooperation Mechanism (ICM)Meeting of CEOs of BRICS Interbank Cooperation Mechanism (ICM)9/8/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting for Deeting of the BRICS Ministers for Disaster ManagementMeeting of the BRICS Ministers for Disaster Management-Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting and Deeting of the BRICS Working Group on Geospatial Technologies and its ApplicationMeeting of the BRICS Working Group on Geospatial Technologies and its Application-Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting Science Deeting of the BRICS Working Group on Materials Science and NanotechnologyMeeting of the BRICS Working Group on Materials Science and Nanotechnology-Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting Mega Deeting of the BRICS Working Group on Research Infrastructures and Mega-Science projectsMeeting of the BRICS Working Group on Research Infrastructures and Mega-Science projects-Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting Group Deeting of Working Group on TelecommunicationMeeting of Working Group on Telecommunication-Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting of Tourism MinistersMinisterial Communiqué of BRICS Tourism Ministers’ Meeting7/13/2021AccessNão encontrado.
Meeting of BRICS Ministers of Environment Meeting AugustNew Delhi Statement on Environment 7th Meeting of BRICS Environment Ministers8/27/2021AccessNão encontrado.
Meeting BRICS Deeting of BRICS Water MinistersNew Delhi Statement on Water - First Meeting of BRICS Water Ministers11/18/2021AccessNão encontrado.
Meeting on Deminar for BRICS Officials on Anti-CorruptionSeminar for BRICS Officials on Anti-Corruption8/26/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting of Deminar on ‘Social Infrastructure: Financing and Use of Digital Technologies’Seminar on ‘Social Infrastructure: Financing and Use of Digital Technologies’5/13/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting Energy Deminar on Energy Storage TechnologiesSeminar on Energy Storage Technologies4/22/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
SeminarSeminar on Hydrogen Initiative- Green Hydrogen/ Hydrogen Fuel Cell/Green Ammonium/New Electrolysis Technology6/22/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting in Deminar on Misuse of Internet for Terrorist Purposes and the Role of Digital Forensics in Terrorist InvestigationSeminar on Misuse of Internet for Terrorist Purposes and the Role of Digital Forensics in Terrorist Investigation4/13/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting use Dorking Group on Security in the use of ICTsSeventh Meeting of the BRICS Working Group on Security in the Use of Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs)8/12/2021AccessNão encontrado.
National Statistics InstitutionsSnapshot BRICS Joint Publication-AccessNão encontrado.
Statement for CooperationStatement for BRICS Cooperation on the Multilateral Trading System-AccessNão encontrado.
Technical Group Meeting of BRICS National Statistical Offices (NSOs)Technical Group Meeting of BRICS National Statistical Offices (NSOs) on Joint Statistical Publication (JSP)2/24/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting of Trade MinistersThe Eleventh Meeting of the BRICS Trade Ministers - Joint Communique9/3/2021AccessNão encontrado.
Meeting International Dnternational Competition ConferenceVII BRICS International Competition Conference-Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting BRICS Dirtual Conference of BRICS Network UniversitiesVirtual Conference of BRICS Network Universities6/16/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting Traditional Debinar on Harmonization of Regulation of Standardization of Traditional Medicine productsWebinar on Harmonization of Regulation of Standardization of Traditional Medicine products5/28/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting BRICS Dorkshop on Capacity Building for BRICS Customs OfficialsWorkshop on Capacity Building for BRICS Customs Officials-Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting for Dorkshop on Digital Forensics for BRICS countriesWorkshop on Digital Forensics for BRICS countries8/3/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting and Dorkshop on Energy Efficiency and Clean EnergyWorkshop on Energy Efficiency and Clean Energy4/29/2021Not found.Não encontrado.
Meeting of Health Ministers and High Level Segment on Traditional MedicinesXI BRICS Health Ministers' Meeting Declaration7/28/2021AccessNão encontrado.
BRICS Summite DeclarationXIII BRICS Summit- New Delhi Declaration9/9/2021AccessNão encontrado.