Funded Projects

*** Updated on May 6, 2024 ***

Here are the research projects I coordinated or participated in the team, which received funding (completed or ongoing):


  • Project: Efficient Solutions for VVC and AV1 Video Codecs Using Dedicated Hardware and Machine Learning
    Funding Source: PQ CNPq Grant 2022 (progression to level 1C)
    Status: Ongoing
  • Project: Efficient Hardware Design for State-of-the-Art Visual Signal Encoding: VVC, AV1, and Light-Fields
    Funding Source: Universal CNPq 2021
    Status: Ongoing
  • Project: Machine Learning and Dedicated Hardware for Efficient VVC and AV1 Video Encoder Solutions
    Funding Source: PqG FAPERGS 2021
    Status: Ongoing
  • Project: Utilizing Machine Learning for Computational Complexity Reduction in the New Versatile Video Coding Standard – Part II
    Funding Source: AI TCC CNPq 2022
    Status: Completed
  • Project: Utilizing Machine Learning for Computational Complexity Reduction in the New Versatile Video Coding Standard
    Funding Source: AI TCC CNPq 2021
    Status: Completed
  • Project: Architectures and Algorithms for Three-Dimensional Image and Video Coding
    Funding Source: PQ CNPq Grant 2018 (progression to level 1D)
    Status: Completed
  • Project: Low-Power Hardware Design for Video Coding Using Approximate Computing
    Funding Source: Universal CNPq 2018
    Status: Completed
  • Project: Collaboration between PPGC-UFPel and the University of Lisbon in Research on High-Performance Video Coding with Massive Parallelism on GPUs and Approximate Computing
    Funding Source: Internationalization FAPERGS 2018
    Status: Completed
  • Project: High-Performance Video Coding with Massive Parallelism on GPUs and Approximate Computing
    Funding Source: CAPES-FCT 2018 (collaboration with the University of Lisbon) Status: Completed
  • Project: Algorithmic Optimizations and Hardware Design for Video Codecs Compatible with the HEVC Standard
    Funding Source: CAPES Senior Internship Abroad 2016
    Status: Completed
  • Project: Efficient Algorithms for Video Encoding in Adaptive Embedded Systems
  • Funding Source: PRONEM FAPERGS 2014 (network between UFPel, UFRGS, and UFSM)
    Status: Completed
  • Project: Heuristics, Algorithmic Optimizations, and Architectural Designs for the HEVC Standard of Digital Video Coding: Integrated Solutions in the Development of Dedicated Hardware for Mobile Applications and Embedded Systems in General
    Funding Source: PqG FAPERGS 2013
    Status: Completed
  • Project: Algorithmic Optimizations and Hardware Design for Video CODECs Compatible with the HEVC Standard
    Funding Source: PQ CNPq Grant 2015 (renewing level 2 grant)
    Status: Completed
  • Project: Heuristics, Algorithmic Optimizations, and Architectural Designs for the HEVC Standard of Digital Video Coding: Integrated Solutions in the Development of Dedicated Hardware for Mobile Applications and Embedded Systems in General
    Funding Source: Universal CNPq 2013
    Status: Completed
  • Project: Algorithms and Architectures for 3D Video Encoders Compatible with the HEVC/H.265 Standard
    Funding Source: CAPES-FCT 2013 (cooperation with University of Coimbra)
    Status: Completed
  • Project: Study and Development of Techniques for Reduction and Dynamic Control of Computational Complexity of High-Efficiency Video Encoders
    Funding Source: BJT CAPES 2014
    Status: Completed
  • Project: Hardware and Software for Digital Video Compression According to the Emerging HEVC Standard
    Funding Source: PQ CNPq Grant 2011 (level 2)
    Status: Completed
  • Project: Implementation of Efficient Solutions for Middleware Ginga Modules of the Brazilian Digital TV System and Development of Embedded Applications for Case Studies
    Funding Source: PqG FAPERGS 2010
    Status: Completed
  • Project: Research and Development of Hardware and Software for Scalable Video Compression with Focus on the Brazilian Digital TV System
    Funding Source: Universal-CNPq 2009
    Status: Completed
  • Project: Research and Development of Hardware for Scalable Video Compression with Focus on the Brazilian Digital TV System
    Funding Source: ARD FAPERGS 2009
    Status: Completed
  • Project: Architectural Designs for Image and Video Compression Using Hardware Reuse Methodologies
    Funding Source: PROADE3 FAPERGS 2006
    Status: Completed


  • Project: Development of Solutions for High-Definition Video Compression on Mobile Devices
    Funding Source: ARD/PPP FAPERGS 2014
    Status: Completed
  • Project: VideoArch3D – Efficient Power Techniques for 3-dimensional Multimedia Systems
    Funding Source: PROBAL CAPES 2009 (cooperation with Germany – UFRGS, UFPel, and KIT)
    Status: Completed
  • Project: SisChip: Design and Synthesis of Chip Systems
    Funding Source: PRONEX CNPq 2009 (network project coordinated by UFRGS)
    Status: Completed
  • Project: Chip System for the Access Terminal of the Brazilian Digital Television System
    Funding Source: CTIC/RNP/FINEP 2009 (network project coordinated by UFRGS)
    Status: Completed
  • Project: GingaCDN: Ginga Code Development Network
    Funding Source: FINEP CTIC/RNP/FINEP 2009 (network project coordinated by UFPB)
    Status: Completed
  • Project: Consortium for Postgraduate Human Resources Training for Digital TV – Source Signal Coding and Integrated Circuit Design, Hardware, and Firmware Design for SBTVD
    Funding Source: RHTVD CAPES 2007 (network project coordinated by UFRGS)
    Status: Completed