André Ricardo Fajardo
CV Lattes

Graduated in Chemistry with a Bachelor’s degree from the State University of Maringá (UEM) in 2007. He entered the Master’s degree in Chemistry at the State University of Maringá in March 2008 and was later transferred to a Doctorate level at the same University in August 2009. He completed a doctorate at Group of Polymeric and Composite Materials (GMPC) of the Department of Chemistry (UEM) with a sandwich period (2012-20213) at the Center de Recherches sur les Macromolecules Vegetales (CERMAV) in Grenoble (France). Adjunct Professor C-4 at the Center for Chemical, Pharmaceutical and Food Sciences at the Federal University of Pelotas (UFPel) and Visiting Scholar at Virginia Tech (Blacksburg, USA). He coordinated the Postgraduate Program in Chemistry (2017-2021) and was Director of the Southern Regional of the Brazilian Polymer Association (ABPol) (2019-2021). Affiliated member of ABPol and the Brazilian Chemical Society (SBQ). Lead researcher at the Laboratory of Technology and Development of Composites and Polymeric Materials (LaCoPol), carries out research with natural polymers (polysaccharides) and synthetics for the preparation of polymeric materials and composites aiming at solutions in the areas of biomaterials, agriculture, environmental and catalysis. He supervises master’s and doctoral students at PPGQ / UFPel. (ORCID 0000-0001-5362-6478)

The text above was taken from the teacher’s Curriculum Lattes. The PPGQ Coordination is not responsible for inaccurate information or inaccuracy in the data provided.