The Teachers Text Database “Banco de Textos de Professoras” (BTP), originated from the Database of the Project Obeduc-Pacto/UFPel, which is bound to GEALE. The database gathers productions elaborated by teachers from the program PNAIC-UFPel, with texts, plannings, and reports, among other materials.

The first extract of texts from BTP is composed of 3405 written productions created by teachers from the continuing education program “Pacto Nacional pela Alfabetização na Idade Certa” (PNAIC).

The data gathering

In the generation of PNAIC from 2013, systematic gatherings were made during the meetings that happened throughout the year, with seven questions in total. One way used in the data gathering was the application of open questions which inquired about the worked themes in which training meetings. The questions were answered in writing by OEs. In the year of 2014, a second data gathering was made focused on four questions that articulated the themes of investigation. Throughout the development period of the program PNAIC, other text gatherings with the literacy teachers were made.

Below, In table 1, it is possible to analyze the proposed questions for each theme.

O que você entender por alfabetização e letramento? ALFLET O que você entender por alfabetização e letramento?
escrita alfabética: por que ela é um sistema notacional e não um código? Como as crianças dela se apropriam? SEA escrita alfabética: por que ela é um sistema notacional e não um código? Como as crianças dela se apropriam?
Como avalias as aprendizagens? Como verificar se os objetivos traçados foram alcançados? AVA Que aspectos e princípios devem ser considerados no processo de planejamento do ensino nos anos iniciais? E, no seu ponto de vista, como a avaliação está articulada ao processo de planejamento de ensino?
Que princípios devem ser considerados no processo de planejamento do ensino nos anos iniciais? O que devemos considerar para planejar o processo de alfabetização e ensino/aprendizagem de Língua Portuguesa? PPALP
O que é ludicidade e de que forma é contemplada na organização do teu trabalho pedagógico no ciclo de alfabetização? LUDOTP
Como a escola relaciona as questões próprias da cultura da infância com o ensino sistematizado, os conhecimentos científicos e culturais, próprios da cultura escolar? CICE
O que tu entendes por heterogeneidade na sala de aula de alfabetização, pensando no ensino e na aprendizagem? E como trabalhar a partir dela? HETOTP

Source: GEALE – Obeduc-Pacto/UFPel.

The written texts go through a treatment process that involves codification, typing, scanning, and filing, making possible the material organization in both digital and physical formats.

For the organization of the first group of texts, of OEs, a codification pattern of written production was used. Example:SEA2013PAT13-1

SEA: It is referred to the established initials to the theme of the gathered written production.

2013: It is referred to the year in which the gathering was made.

PA: It is referred to the place that groups a set of counties in which the participants of the training operate. Each place has its own initials: PA = Porto Alegre; O = Osório; P = Pelotas.

T13: It is referred to the class’s number, in the case mentioned above, T13 it is the initial of “Turma 13”.

-1: It is referred to the number of the gathered text.

Following, a typing process of the text to a Word document is made, keeping the spelling and the textual structure used, without any kinds of corrections. Then, the texts are scanned and saved in the formats JPEG or PDF.

The first group of texts from BTP was organized considering each one of the themes of the written productions. A digital folder was made for each theme, keeping the grouping of the texts of each training group. In these folders, the typed texts were archived, saved as a Word document, and scanned, in the formats JPEG or PDF. After storage in the digital folder, the physical material was packed in catalog folders, which are also divided by themes and groups. Below, in table 2, it is possible to see the number of texts by theme and year.

2013 2014
SEA 319 286
ALFLET 290 346
AVA 368
CICE 392
TOTAL 2533 872

Fonte: GEALE – Obeduc-Pacto/UFPel.

It is important to emphasize that all forms of identification of the teachers and students are suppressed in the treating process of the texts, in order to preserve their identities, as well as prevent any forms of expositions, thus respecting the ethical norms constitutive of the scientific research. Moreover, the productions are gathered through the signing of the term of free consenting.

NÖRNBERG, M. BTP: Banco de Textos de Professoras. Faculdade de Educação. Universidade Federal de Pelotas. 2013. Available in: