
The creation of the Network

ReBECCa, the Brazilian Network of Geographical Studies on Trade and Consumption, was created on November 21, 2015, during the XI Seminar on Urban and Regional Studies and the V International Colloquium on Trade and Urban Consumption, organized by the Federal University of Pelotas. , resulting from the meeting of researchers on the subject of trade and consumption held in the city of Pelotas, RS. On that occasion, the main objectives of the network were outlined, as can be seen in the Charter of Pelotas.

The organization of the Network

In November 2016, during the II Meeting of the Study and Research Group on Trade and Consumption in the Northeast, at the Federal University of Campina Grande, in Campina Grande, PB, a new meeting of researchers reaffirmed the principles of the creation of the network and established a plan to be followed in order to make ReBECCa effective as a research network. The discussions were summarized in the Letter from Campina Grande.

The definition of studies

In September 2017, in Lisbon, Portugal, a new meeting was held between ReBECCa researchers, with the aim of institutionalizing the network and establishing the criteria for its operation, as can be seen in the following document.

The official birth: approval of the Statute, in Salvador

Soon after completing two years of its practical foundation, on November 22, 2017, ReBECCa was officially born, with the approval of its Statute at a meeting held in Salvador, BA.

With the support of professors Joilson Cruz da Silva, from the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Bahia – IFBA, and Paulo Roberto Baqueiro Brandão, from the Federal University of Western Bahia, the members of the Collegiate of Coordinators met at the IFBA to debate the founding Research Project and Work Plan of the network. Soon after the approval of these documents, they approved the ReBECCa Statute, making its creation official.

From that date onwards, ReBECCa became the Brazilian Network of Geographical Studies on Trade and Consumption, a format it maintains today.

Preparing the national network meeting.

During the IV Regional Seminar on Commerce, Consumption and Culture in the cities, held in the city of Teresina, PI, another meeting of the Brazilian Network of Geographical Studies on Commerce and Consumption took place.

On the occasion, it took the opportunity to deal with works that will help in the effective structuring of the network, such as a national survey of comparative analysis of the tertiary sector, with a methodology still under study, and the elaboration of a dictionary of terms on trade and consumption.

The Teresina Letter was drafted, containing the main deliberations taken at the time. The main definition was about the realization of a national event of the network, together with the regional event of the Northeast. The event should be held in Salvador, BA, with details to be discussed at the next meeting of the network, possibly in São Paulo, during the XIII ENANPEGE.

Second Coordination of ReBECCa – Election and Inauguration

During the Ordinary General Meeting held on May 27, 2021, the election and inauguration of the new network coordinator for the biennium 2021/2023 was carried out. The following members were elected: General Coordination: Sidney Gonçalves Vieira (UFPEL); Adjunct Coordinator: Lincoln da Silva Diniz (UFCG); Publications Coordination: Cláudio Ressurreição dos Santos (SEC/BA) and Paulo Roberto Baqueiro Brandão (UFOB); Digital Network Coordination: Carlos Henrique Costa da Silva (UFSCAR/Sorocaba); Membership Coordination: Kátia Cristina Ribeiro Costa (UFCG); and, Event Coordination: Dione Dutra Lihtnov (LEUR/UFPel). Soon after the election, the new coordination took office.