First LabCom Cafe Brunch 2p, (Brazil time zone). 6th november 2020.

This Friday, 6th November 2020, we will have our first LabCom Cafe Brunch. Our meeting will take place at 2:00 pm to allow our national and international audience to participate in a comfortable time zone (Europe is 4 hours ahead of Brazil).

We will have two guests for this Friday. Professor Eddie Andrew Martínez Alegría of Colombia, from Universidad La Gran Colombia, and architect Alberto Jiménez Ruiz, who has been working for more than 15 years on projects for the rehabilitation and restoration of historic heritage in Spain and the rest of Europe.

They will be talking about city legibility, urban design and heritage projects in Colombia and Spain.

We are waiting for you all for this Brunch, with lots of culture and information spicing up our debates. Prepare your Spanish! The meeting is via private room on GoogleMeet, ask for the room key by message to participate.

Posted in News.