
Carmen Regina Gonçalves Ferreira
Is a substitute Professor at the ‘Faculdade de Educação’ of the ‘Federal University of Pelotas (UFPel)’. Has a Doctorate in Education from the ‘Graduate Program in Education’ at UFPel. Has a Master’s degree in Education from UFPel; a degree in Languages with a qualification in Portuguese Language and Literature from the ‘Federal University Foundation of Rio Grande (FURG)’ (2000), with experience in the teaching of Portuguese Language and specialization in Social Sciences in Education from the ‘University of the Campanha Region’ (2003). She has experience in the areas of Linguistics, working mainly in the Phonology area with an emphasis on phonological processes and the acquisition of written language, specifically the unconventional segmentation of words in the text of EJA students.

Claudia Regina Minossi Rombaldi
Is an effective Professor at ‘IFSUL – Campus Pelotas Visconde da Graça (CAVG)’ in the position of Teacher of Basic, Technical and Technological Education in the area of Communication and Expression. Has a degree in Languages Portuguese/French from the ‘Federal University of Pelotas (UFPel)’ (1999), a Master’s degree in Education from the ‘Federal University of Pelotas’ (2003), and a Doctorate in Education from UFPel (2011). She has experience in the area of Languages and Education, with an emphasis on Portuguese and French, working mainly on the following topics: the teaching of Portuguese and Brazilian Literature, Writing Acquisition, and French as a Foreign Language.


Luanda Alvariza Gomes Ney
Has a Degree in Pedagogy, is a Specialist in Early Childhood Education, and has a Master’s degree and Doctorate in Education from the Graduate Program in Education at the ‘Federal University of Pelotas (UFPel)’ – Research Line Written Culture, Languages ​​and Learning. She developed research activities as a Scientific Initiation scholarship holder from the “Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul” in the areas of History of Education and Teaching Work. She worked as a pedagogical coordinator at the “Campus Rio Grande do Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Rio Grande do Sul (IFRS, Antigo CTI – FURG)” and as a Pedagogue at the Pedagogical Support Coordination of the Dean of Education of the ‘Federal Institute Sul-Rio-Grandense (IFSul)’. Member of the “Grupo de Estudos sobre Aquisição da Linguagem Escrita (GEALE)” of the Faculty of Education at UFPel. She worked as a training teacher at the “Pacto Nacional pela Alfabetização na Idade Certa (PNAIC-UFPel)” in 2013 and 2014. She has experience in the area of ​​writing acquisition, learning processes, teacher training, and educational management. Is currently a Pedagogue at the “Child Development Center (NDI/CED)” at the ‘Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC)’ and a tutor of Pedagogical Guidance for undergraduate students in the “Programa Institucional de Apoio Pedagógico aos Estudantes (PIAPE)” at UFSC.

Marceli Tessmer Blank
Doctor in Education at the ‘Federal University of Pelotas (UFPel)’. Has a Master’s degree in Education from the same program and a degree in Languages Portuguese and respective Portuguese-Language Literature also from UFPel. She develops research related to language acquisition with an emphasis on the relationship between spelling/phonology and perception. Is currently a teacher at the “São Francisco de Assis School“, also in Pelotas.


Tania Tuchtenhagen Clarindo
Pedagogue, and an undergraduate from the ‘Federal University of Pelotas (UFPel)’ (2004). Specialist in Education from the ‘Federal University of Pelotas’ (2006). She has a Master’s degree in Environmental Education through the Graduate Program in Environmental Education (PPGEA) held at the ‘Federal University of Rio Grande (FURG)’ (2011). She holds a Doctorate in Education from the Graduate Program in Education (PPGE) at FAe/UFPel (2019). Is a Professor, Pedagogical Advisor at the School Guidance and Supervision Nucleus at the “Municipal Secretary of Education (SMEd)” of the Municipality of Rio Grande. Is a member of the “Municipal Council of Education (CME)” of the City of Rio Grande. Has already worked as a teacher in the Initial Years of Elementary School and in Youth and Adult Education (EJA). She developed activities as a Pedagogical Coordinator at CAIC/FURG (2011-2014). Developed activities as a Substitute teacher at the Institute of Education (IE/FURG 2009-2011). Worked as a professor of the Youth and Adult Specialization course in Distance Learning (EAD) at the Open University of Brazil (UAB/FURG 2011). She acted as a trainer for the “Pacto Nacional pela Alfabetização na Idade Certa (PNAIC/UFPel 2013-2017)“. Is currently linked to research by the “Grupo de Estudos sobre a Aquisição da Linguagem Escrita (GEALE/UFPel)” and the “Núcleo de Estudos em Educação de Jovens e Adultos e Alfabetização (NEEJA/FURG)“. Has experience in the field of Education, working mainly on the following topics: education, teaching, continuing education, teacher training, reading, writing, literacy, and Pedagogical practices.

Carlos Antonio Nhaca Zimba
He has a Master’s degree in Teaching Portuguese as L2 from “Universidade Eduardo Mondlane” (2014). Is currently a Researcher at the Center for African Studies. He has experience in the field of Linguistics. 