Speaker – Simon Niklaus

Simon Niklaus
Adobe (USA)


Video Frame Interpolation: Recent History, Current Applications, and Future Opportunities

Language: English

Date: November 18th / 13h30 – 14h45 (GMT-3)



Video frame interpolation, the task of synthesizing new frames in between existing ones, is a classic problem in the video processing domain. Even though there have been many ideas on how to address frame interpolation throughout the decades, it remains a challenging task with many unsolved problems. At the same time, the better frame interpolation methods become the more applications for frame interpolation emerge, which is driving research efforts into addressing more and more of the remaining challenges. This talk will provide an overview of the recent research on frame interpolation, show what frame interpolation can be used for aside from the immediately apparent applications, and conceptualize future opportunities of video frame interpolation


Simon Niklaus is a Research Scientist at Adobe Research where he is working on video processing and novel view synthesis. He received his PhD at Portland State University in 2020 with his dissertation topic covering novel view synthesis in time and space