Poster Session I – November 16th, 15h00min – 16h30min (GMT-3)
Chairs: TBD
Poster – Video
Alex Borges (UFPel)*; Bruno Zatt (Federal University of Pelotas); Marcelo S Porto (Universidade Federal de Pelotas); Guilherme Correa (Federal University of Pelotas)
AV1 Arithmetic Decoder Landscape Analysis with Multi-Boolean Processing
Poster – Video
Jiovana Sousa Gomes (UNIPAMPA)*; Tulio Pereira Bitencourt (UFRGS); Sergio Bampi (Nil); Fábio Ramos (Unipampa)
Poster – Video
Gustavo H Rehbein (UFPel)*; Isis Bender (UFPEL); Luciano Volcan Agostini (UFPel – Federal University of Pelotas); Guilherme Correa (Federal University of Pelotas); Marcelo S Porto (Universidade Federal de Pelotas)
High-Throughput Multifilter VLSI Design for the AV1 Fractional Motion Estimation
Poster – Video
Daiane Fonseca Freitas (Federal University of Pelotas)*; Claudio Diniz (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul); Mateus Grellert (Nil); Guilherme Correa (Federal University of Pelotas)
Accelerating the AV1 Global Warped Motion Compensation
Poster – Video
WILLIAM KOLODZIEJSKI (UFPEL)*; Robson Domanski (UFPel); Luciano Volcan Agostini (UFPel – Federal University of Pelotas)
Energy-Saving Opportunities for AV1 Video Coding in Streaming Services
Poster – Video
Caroline S Camargo (UFPel)*; Alex Borges (UFPel); Guilherme Correa (Federal University of Pelotas)
Multi-Size Inverse DCT-II Hardware Design for the VVC Decoder
Poster – Video
Bruna R Garcia (Federal University of Pelotas (UFPel))*; Bianca Silveira (Federal University of Pelotas); Guilherme Correa (Federal University of Pelotas)
Multiple Transform Selection Hardware Design for VVC
Poster – Video
Bianca Silveira (Federal University of Pelotas)*; Daniel Palomino (Federal University of Pelotas); Claudio M Diniz (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul); Guilherme Correa (Federal University of Pelotas)
Error Resilience Evaluation of Approximate Storage in the Motion Compensation of VVC Decoders
Poster – Video
Matheus M Isquierdo (Federal University of Pelotas)*; Renira Soares (Federal University of Pelotas (UFPel)); Felipe Sampaio (IFRS); Bruno Zatt (Federal University of Pelotas); Daniel Palomino (Federal University of Pelotas)
Hardware Design for the Affine Motion Compensation of the VVC Standard
Poster – Video
Denis Maass (UFPel)*; Marcello Muñoz (UFPel); Murilo Perleberg (UFPel); Marcelo S Porto (Universidade Federal de Pelotas)
Assessment of Different Coding Units Usage in VVC Inter-Frame Prediction
Poster – Vídeo
Ramiro G S Viana (UFPel – Federal University of Pelotas)*; Fernando Funghetto Sagrilo (Unipampa); Marta B Loose (UFPel ); Gustavo Sanchez (IFSertaoPE – Federal Institute of Sertao Pernambucano); Guilherme Correa (Federal University of Pelotas); Luciano Volcan Agostini (UFPel – Federal University of Pelotas)
Complexity Reduction Solutions for VVC Encoder Using Machine Learning
Poster – Video
Daniel Nunes Choudhury (Federal University of Pelotas (UFPel))*; Leonardo G Coelho (Federal University of Pelotas (UFPel))
Poster Session II – November 17th, 15h00min – 16h30min (GMT-3)
Chairs: TBD
Resiliency Evaluations for Approximation Storage at VVC Encoders
Poster – Video
Yasmin S Camargo (UFPel)*; Felipe Sampaio (IFRS); Bruno Zatt (Federal University of Pelotas); Daniel Palomino (Federal University of Pelotas)
Fast Learning-based Algorithm for Affine Motion Estimation in VVC Encoders
Poster – Video
Fernando Funghetto Sagrilo (Unipampa)*; Marta B Loose (UFPel ); Ramiro G S Viana (UFPel – Federal University of Pelotas); Gustavo Sanchez (IFSertaoPE); Guilherme Correa (Federal University of Pelotas); Luciano Volcan Agostini (UFPel – Federal University of Pelotas)
A Hardware-Friendly and Configurable Heuristic Targeting VVC Inter-Frame Prediction
Poster – Video
Marta B Loose (UFPel )*; Ramiro G S Viana (UFPel – Federal University of Pelotas); Fernando Funghetto Sagrilo (Unipampa); Gustavo Sanchez (IFSertão-PE); Guilherme Correa (Federal University of Pelotas); Luciano Volcan Agostini (UFPel – Federal University of Pelotas)
Near-Data Speculative Motion Compensation Processing in VVC
Poster – Video
Garrenlus D Souza (UFRGS)*; Sergio Bampi (Nil); Bruno Zatt (Federal University of Pelotas); Marco Zanata (UFPR); Felipe Sampaio (IFRS)
Efficient Architecture for VVC Angular Intra Prediction based on a Hardware-Friendly Heuristic
Poster – Video
Vinicius A Borges (UFPel)*; Murilo Perleberg (UFPel); Marcelo S Porto (Universidade Federal de Pelotas); Luciano Volcan Agostini (UFPel – Federal University of Pelotas)
Analysis of SATD Approximation in Versatile Video Coding
Poster – Video
Luís Eduardo Mendes (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul); Vinícius Alves (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul); Eduardo Bolson (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul); Eduardo Bösel (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul); Leonardo Soares (Instituto Federal do Rio Grande do Sul); Sergio Bampi (Nil); Claudio M Diniz (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul)*
Complexity and Coding Assessment of Fast Video-Coding Implementations
Poster – Video
Arthur S Rodrigues (UFSC)*; Fillipi F Mangrich (UFSC); Eduardo F Lodi (ECL-UFSC); Gabriela Furtado da Silveira (Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina); Guilherme Correa (Federal University of Pelotas); Mateus Grellert (Nil)
Codec Analyzer: an Open-source Platform for Video-Coding Assessment
Poster – Video
Eduardo F Lodi (ECL-UFSC)*; Guilherme Correa (Federal University of Pelotas); Mateus Grellert (Nil); Arthur S Rodrigues (UFSC); Fillipi F Mangrich (UFSC); Gabriela Furtado da Silveira (Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina)
Evaluation of the Spatio-Temporal Deformable Convolution Method to Reduce Compression Artifacts in Digital Videos
Poster – Video
Garibaldi da Silveira Júnior (UFPEL); Gilberto Kreisler (UFPel)*; Daniel Palomino (Federal University of Pelotas); Bruno Zatt (Federal University of Pelotas); Guilherme Correa (Federal University of Pelotas)
Investigating the use of transform pruning for 360° image compression
Poster – Video
Enzo B. Segala (UFRGS)*; Thiago L. T. da Silveira (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul)
Poster – Video
Anderson Priebe Ferrugem (UFPel)*; Bruno Zatt (Federal University of Pelotas); Luciano Volcan Agostini (UFPel – Federal University of Pelotas)
Construção de nuvem de pontos a partir do movimento de uma câmera monocular
Poster – Video
Dionata S Nunes (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul)*; Altamiro Susin (UFRGS)
Poster Session III – November 18th, 11h00min – 12h00min (GMT-3)
Chairs: TBD
Event detection in therapy sessions for children with Autism
Poster – Video
Alexandre S Soares (UFSC)*; Guilherme O Ribeiro (UFSC); Mateus Grellert (Nil); Jonata Tyska Carvalho (Federal University of Santa Catarina)
Foreground Detection Based on Subspace Tracking
Poster – Video
Xander Cortez Pinzas (UFRGS)*; Jacob Scharcanski (UFRGS)
Methodology to Describe the Mobile Signal Coverage on Roads: Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil) as Case Study Considering Data Uncertainty
Poster – Video
Leonardo Luís Röpke (UFSM)*; Marcia Pasin (UFSM)
Modular device for automated and reliable mapping of nuclear facilities
Poster – Video
Andréa M Barros (Commissariat à l’énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives)*; Maugan Michel (Commissariat à l’énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives); Yoann Moline (Commissariat à l’énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives); Gwenole Corre (Commissariat à l’énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives); Frédérick Carrel (Commissariat à l’énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives)
Pseudorandom bit generator based on a hyperchaotic system
Poster – Video
Luis Javier Ontanon (UASLP)*
Brazilian Beaches and Dunes Status: Three Decades of Detection Using Machine Learning
Poster – Video
Maria Luize S Pinheiro (Federal University of Santa Catarina)*; Mateus Grellert (Federal University of Santa Catarina)
The Creation Of A Virtual Scenario For Generating Synthetic Datasets For Use In Agriculture
Poster – Video
Rafael Basileu Sanches Ferreira (UFPA)*; Arthur Nascimento (UFPA); Amanda Klautau (UFPA); Erik Pina (UFPA); Aldebaro Klautau (Federal University of Pará)