Quarantine seminars – 02

The Postgraduate Program in Animal Biology is offering online lectures, via video conference, open to the public. To participate, just access the Link.

Entitled: The effect of environmental gradients on the structuring of butterfly assemblies

Taught by Professor Dr. Cristiano Agra Iserhard (DEZG – IB – UFPel)

Date: 22/04/2020

Time: 15:00 hrs

Note: “To participate in the video conference lecture, an interested person should preferably use the Mozilla Firefox browser (https://www.mozilla.org/pt-BR/firefox/new/) with an Internet connection, with the Adobe Flash plugin installed, and the link https://webconf.ufpel.edu.br/b/mar-gyd-cmm a few minutes before the start of the broadcast. Authorize the browser to use the plugin and have access to the microphone After accessing UFPel’s web conferencing system page, enter your name and enter the virtual room (entitled Remote seminars – PPG Animal Biology). During a presentation, the listeners’ microphones will be heard, but at the end of the lecture it will be released for questions and discussion . “

Posted in Sem categoria.