BACARIN, M.A.; FALQUETO, A.R.; MEIRELLES COIMBRA, J.L.; OLIVEIRA, A. C. ; MAGALHÃES, A.M. Oxygen evolution rate of rice cultivars. Photosynthetica, v. 46, p. 148-150, 2008.

MARAFON, A.C.; BACARIN, M.A.; HERTER, F.G.; RODRIGUES, A.C. Carbohydrate Levels, Peroxidase Activity and Vascular Connection in Tissues of Peach Trees (Prunus Persica (L.) Batsch) cv. Jubileu with Peach Tree Short Life (PTSL) Symptoms during the Dormancy Period. Acta Horticulturae, v. 774, p. 397-402, 2008.

BACARIN, M.A.; SCHMITZ, D.D.; FALQUETO, A.R.; CASSOL, D.; TORRES, A.C.; PETERS, J.A.; BRAGA, E.J.B. Características fotossintéticas de batata cv. Baronesa e seu genótipo transformado geneticamente para resistência ao PVY. Horticultura Brasileira, v. 26, p. 383-387, 2008

CASSOL, D.; SILVA, F.S.P.; FALQUETO, A.R.; BACARIN, M.A. An evaluation of non-destructive methods to estimate total chlorophyll content. Photosynthetica, v. 46, p. 634-636, 2008.